Gun Control – Is It The Solution? (Part II)

Gun Control Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Part II

In the first part I endeavoured to give the reader an understanding of how firearms actually function and expose the lack of logic in the notion that the appearance of a firearm some how makes it more or less lethal. It is not whether or not a gun looks aggressive, the gun isn’t what you have to worry about. It’s those pesky bullets! Ironically, they all look pretty similar.

I also tried to give a broad overview of the laws governing firearms that already exist. It is intellectually disingenuous to pretend that the solution to gun violence is the enacting of more and more laws. If the ones we currently have are either not being effectively enforced or are being broken, I suspect that further laws will prove equally ineffective. It is not my position that there is no solution to this problem. Actually? I believe there is a solution, but we’ll never find it so long as we continue to focus our search in the wrong direction. Let’s take a journey together into an area few dare to venture.

Basic criminology 101, crimes are solved when you find the person or persons with:

  • Motive
  • Opportunity
  • Capability

If any one of these three components are lacking, you need to keep looking. Remember them because we’ll be returning to them a bit later.

A Series Of Unfortunate Coincidences

Evil Incarnate

The Virginia Tech, Aurora CO. and Portland Mall Shooters. There is something similar in their eyes.

Are you aware that almost every perpetrator of a mass shooting was under some level of psychiatric care? Most were being treated with some form of psychoactive drug therapy. Coincidence? Perhaps. Almost every mass shooter – those over the past decade – have given indication of their level of mental agitation either on their web page, a chat forum they frequented or on one of the several social networking services. A person or persons monitoring this level of agitation could probably predict when they were going to snap.

If you filter out the gang related shootings and the shootings where someone was having problems say on a job or some other readily identifiable cause that may have pushed them over the edge, and focus only on those shootings that apparently are random and without cause, the ones where there is no identifiable relationship between the shooter and the victims, an interesting phenomenon begins to emerge. What you notice is that you’ll have a shooting somewhere out west, followed by one somewhere in the east and then one in either the north or south.

Zodiac Band

The first calendar and time clock. The stars told them when to plant and harvest

It is almost like “clock work.” North, East, West and South. NEWS. Now the question must be asked, is this entirely due to coincidence? One of the critical factors to our successful survival has been our ability to detect patterns and use them to predict future events. Our understanding of the 4 seasons for instance. We began studying the sky to mark their passage. It is important to know when to plant and when to harvest. We needed to know when to prepare for winter. Our understanding of time and seasons began with pattern recognition.

Is it buying into a conspiracy to begin to look for and notice patterns in these shootings? I don’t think so. When one seeks the truth, one must be prepared to look everywhere and consider everything. What we’re talking about is looking for causality behind these acts of violence. Remember, a conspiracy is merely two or more people working together to bring about some event. Everything of substance that has ever happened on this planet has been the result of a conspiracy.

How might something like these shootings be caused? How would you trigger someone to perform these senseless acts?


One of the most misunderstood phenomenon is that of hypnotism. Let me give you a brief tutorial on how hypnotism works. We’ve all seen and laughed at the shows put on by “stage hypnotist.” In our minds we’ve wonder if the supposedly hypnotised subjects at times were not faking it. Here is how hypnotism works. You have a mind that is constantly processing information on a variety of levels, even when you’re asleep. In layman’s terms we refer to our conscious and subconscious minds. Of the two, the subconscious is the more powerful.

If you think of the human mind as being like a computer, your conscious mind acts as a firewall. Your subconscious mind is where the real processing power resides. The hypnotist, hacks your firewall and directly accesses your subconscious mind. How is this done? In a word, focus. When your conscious mind is totally focused on something, all it’s resources are directed at whatever it is focused on. This means that you can circumvent it to access the subconscious mind of your subject without meeting resistance.

A Hypnotist's bauble

A Hypnotist’s bauble

This is why you see them using a swinging pocket watch or some other bauble. The hypnotist tells you to watch – focus – on the swinging pocket watch. While your conscious mind is doing that, they’re talking in your ear telling you you’re getting sleepy. Telling you to relax. Now if I told you, that you were getting sleepy, – unless you actually were – your conscious mind would activate it’s defensive protocols and probably say, “no I’m not.” However, if I can tie up your conscious mind focusing on a bauble or some problem or the beat and rhythm in a song, I can speak directly into your subconscious mind without what I’m saying being filtered by the firewall of your conscious mind.

How long does this process take? Actually? It can happen in an instant! What if I told you it is possible to walk into a jewellery store and purchase a $4,000 diamond ring using blank white sheets of paper as money? Watch the following clip from Derren Brown’s “Mind Control” series. If you pay careful attention, you will see how it’s done.

Did you notice the method? He did it three times. The second time it was ineffective, but the 1st time in the fishmonger’s shop and the 3rd time in the jewellery store, it worked like a charm. Why did it work? Did you pay attention to the “patter?” He engaged his subject in seemingly meaningless conversation. It was a story. One story was about taking the subway. He was expressing his anxiety about never having taken a subway in New York, and relating what a friend had told him about the subway. Just as he handed the man the blank sheets of white paper, he relates that his friend told him to “take it, it’s fine.”  

The entire point of the story was to distract and focus the mind of his subject on his story. When he handed them the blank sheets of paper and says, “take it, it’s fine,” two things are taking place. The conscious mind is focused on the story and receiving the money thus closing the sell. The subconscious mind is wide open. It accepts “take it, it’s fine” and sets the conscious mind at ease. All is well. This is fine. You were expecting to be handed paper in exchange for your product and we were just told that everything is fine.

Now, why didn’t this work on the street vendor? Here is my theory. The street vendor has to spread his consciousness to take into account a great many things at once. He has to watch out for traffic. He has to constantly monitor and identify all the sounds around him. He is exposed, so he has to be vigilant and aware of those around him. The end result? He dedicated a much smaller portion of his conscious awareness to the inane patter of Derren Brown. He couldn’t care less about someone telling him to “take it, it’s fine.” Thus, when handed the blank sheets of paper, he saw them for what they were.

If Derren Brown can perform this effect – and many more – impromptu on the street, what might someone(s) with near unlimited resources perform with all the time in the world? What could they achieve with people who were already under the influence of psychotropic drugs?

Gun Control Versus Mind Control

Truck Up A Tree

Then the tree jumped out and hit me!

If we’re truly looking for why these shootings continue to happen, and not merely being herded into someone else’s agenda, we cannot just point at an inanimate tool – that is all a firearm is – and blame it for all the ills of gun violence in our society. That is not unlike coming upon the scene of a fatal car accident where a car has crashed headlong into a tree and remarking, “damn! if only that tree hadn’t been there or someone should have cut down that tree.” Might the accident have had anything to do with the fact that the driver was drunk and doing 80 mph on a winding road at night?

Sensory Overload

Times Square New York – We are bombarded by stimulus 24 hours a day.

We are surrounded by stimulus 24 hours a day. Have you ever had the power go off in your home? Perhaps due to an electrical storm or an ice storm? What’s the first thing you notice? The silence right? We live our lives virtually surrounded by a 60Hz background hum. We don’t even notice it’s presence… until it’s gone. We watch television and listen to our radios all day long. You probably couldn’t tell me right now what the last commercial you saw or heard was. Yet, billions of dollars are spent bringing you these commercials. Why? Because they work!

These are the commercials you see and notice. However, what about something a bit more sinister? What about subliminal messages? Messages – just like hypnosis – that are designed to pass by the firewall of your conscious mind and enter directly into your subconscious mind?

More to come – Continued in Part 3

In part 3 we will go deeper into the dark reality that most of us are blissfully unaware of. If you believe that you are in control of your mind, you need to understand that a war is raging all around you for the control of your freewill. Remember, the perfect slave is the one who believes himself to be free.

5 thoughts on “Gun Control – Is It The Solution? (Part II)

  1. Now I understand why I was “seduced” into purchasing a Time Share while in Cabo and once I returned home, my conscious mind said, “are you crazy?”

    • What happened to you in Cabo is an excellent example of psychological manipulation. The moment you landed, everything was carefully designed to lead you to signing your name on their contract.

      The presentation was choreographed and scripted. I went to one years ago, trying to get me to purchase a lot in an area they declared would one day become a retirement resort. We got on the golf cart and began the tour. It was like being at Disney land.

      The guy in the golf cart turned, looked over his shoulder as we approached a guy fishing in a stream and said, “yes we do have fishing here…” As if on cue, the guy fishing held up a stringer of 10″ bass. Now here’s the thing. I could have jumped across the stream at the location he was fishing. I may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night! You don’t catch 10″ bass out of a stream you can damn near step across. 🙂

      Everything around us is carefully designed to affect and influence our choices. There is a war for our minds being waged daily. We’re *relatively* sane. I’m not on any psychotropic drugs. But imagine the effect if we were on these types of medications.

  2. Pingback: Gun Control - Is It The Solution? - The Whirling Wind

    • I have only dabbled in it a bit. I’m much more interested in guarding and perfecting my own mind. 🙂 The Analysis of self-introspection is something we ought to practice on a regular basis.

      We rarely ask ourselves why we are feeling a certain way or why we think or believe something. I think everyone should do this frequently. 🙂

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