Any Questions???

What if the entire point of life was to remember that we are ONE?

Are You For Sale???

This is the essence of your faith.


Notice Anything Different?

If You Can Be Distracted By the Next Shiny New Object? You’re Part Of The Problem!

Separation of Church and State? Only when it comes to paying taxes!

Don’t Be Fatuitous!

We give the State of Israel over $3 Billion per year. Should we?

It’s NOT about protecting American Jobs… It’s Racism!


I can think of 3 guys who should be on trial for war crimes.

What should She do? What would YOU do?

Follow the MONEY! The Kochs gave us Bush and Cheney. How’d that work out?

We now return to previously scheduled nonsense.

A Damn Good Question!

A Prayer Worth Praying…

I’ve Already Donated… Have You???

Had Rand Paul been Black? Things might have gone another way…

Yeah! I Said It!

Why Aren’t They Calling For An End to US Foreign Aid to Israel???

Straight! No Chaser!

Chris and Christine, flip sides of the same Wooden Nickel.

The Worst Socialist In History!

Advice To Live By!

Don’t spend money with businesses who don’t pay their employees a living wage.

Indianapolis temperature today, -14 degrees. Wind Chill, up to 55 below zero.

Odd isn’t it? Wonder why???

An admission against interest???



Poor Teddy

He should of named his church, “The Shrine of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe.”

Christians require an enemy to prove they’re still relevant.

Sometimes we simply have to call it what it is… HYPOCRISY!

Nothing to do with his faith or his 1st Amendment rights. Everything to do with his contract!

Pick Your Poison.

The Unadulterated Truth!

Our laws and our tax code are written to protect the wealthy.

I Think We’ve Been Duped!

You don’t get to nullify a Presidency!

Teach your dollars some sense!

Now you know why Trump never called that press conference!


How Pro-Life Are You… REALLY???

Never has been. Never will be!

She doesn’t have a clue!

In our quest to become more than what we think we are, we’ve forgotten to discover who and what we really are. We night discover that we are already more than enough!

Pro-Life Or Slavery 2.0?

Annual maintenance = $3,900. Insurance = $1,836 per year. Out of pocket $478 per month. If you could get it for only $50 per month, would you?

The only thing worse than NOT having an education? Thinking you do when you don’t!

He said he was gathering his thoughts… Helluva time to be starting a new hobby!

Just connect the dots.

Remember those House investigations into voting irregularities? Neither do I!

So simple even a Republican should understand this.

Put up or shut up!

Wonder what’s changed???


How old were you when you learned the Earth was 4.5 billion years old?

Sometimes the best Man for the Job is a Woman!


Could Ted Cruz be an undercover Democrat?


Brilliant! My Wife came up with this one!

It’s No Laughing Matter!

Power Abhors A Vacuum. Weakness Creates A Vacuum.

Only In America!

Fidel Castro’s Little Time Bomb.

It’s important to read to the end of the story!

I don’t think we should get on this plane.

Well, would you???


You’ll never learn to fly… so long as you’re afraid to fall.

It’s Not About Saving Your Soul, It’s About Control

Got Favor? How About Milk?

We Must Never Forget!

What If???

Because not talking has worked so well…

Teach them well!

Think about it!

Perhaps we can put this one to bed now?

Is someone using your belief system against you?

Isn’t it interesting whenever Welfare is debated, they always show a Black or Brown face?

Let’s hold Republicans accountable in 2014

Their objectives are the same.

Change yourself, Change the Universe

It is time to end for profit medicine.

Inerrancy? Really?

Food for thought!

Something to think about!

How far do you want to take this???

This is a clear example of how racism affects science.

Who Needs Church When They’ve Got Facebook?

Don’t Get Played!

Since when does an omniscient God need to test anyone?

Common Sense, So Rare It’s A God Damned Super Power!

True friends will find each other.

The United States of Apartheid

You must listen carefully.

Maybe the Church should stay out of Politics?

Choose Wisely!

And now you know… 🙂

Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.

Will the human race survive their two pronged attack?

9 pages of sermon notes… supplied by the movie studio?

Where were all these outraged Civil Libertarians 7 years ago???

Who’s Plantation are you still on?

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven.

I don’t have a backup plan, do you?

Think about it!

Ted Cruz would have his father’s morals and his mother’s intellect.

Question the motives of those who cry loudest.

Everyday 20,000 Children die of starvation and disease.

Power without responsibility leads to evil.

When people in the Church do everything people out of the Church do, what’s the point?

Taxed Enough Already? I’m Not!

What’s the difference?

Question Everything

You Have To Fight For It!

Do you really care what people call themselves?

We are all on our own path. If our paths are close enough and we are at similar locations we can walk together. Sometimes our paths diverge or someone simply stops. It then becomes impossible to maintain a relationships with that someone if we are to continue to make progress.

Never trust anyone who seeks to manipulate your mind!


Ayn Rand… The L. Ron Hubbard Of The Republican Pary!

3 Went Fishing, Only Two Came Back…

No Wonder He Can’t Stand Up To The TEA Party

Anyone Else See This?

If he is crazy, clearly psych screenings are a waste of time…

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Don’t be NAIVE!

: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

Doing something just to say you did something, is a waste of EVERYBODY’S time! Wayne LaPierre? Diane Feinstein? Flip sides of the same coin!

The global population just reached 9 billion people a year or so ago. So, when Carol Tobias talks about “negative population growth,” which population is she talking about?

The Conspiracy Is ALWAYS A Theory… Until It Happens To You…


The Pragmatic Christian

Nick Meli is a Hero! Isn’t he worthy of our thanks? Or is it more important to someone that his selfless act of bravery be swept under the rug?

Labels are chosen for a reason. Gunman? Shooter? Never the more accurate label of psychotic or sociopath.

My father kept telling me to READ My Bible… Well, I did! Amazing what you can find in there! Turns out reading my Bible became a problem… 🙂

Guns are NEVER the answer… Until they are!

You cannot take it with you. The Pharaohs already tried that. Might as well treat people right. That’s what really counts.

It does not mean what you think it means.

Don’t take it personally, if I don’t stop where you’ve stopped and accept your truth.

Different dog, same fleas.

They collect all those Green Pre$ent$ for Jesus… but they never deliver them to him.

If there is one thing history teaches again and again… It does not bode well for any people who are disarmed.

On the Internet you can choose to be whatever you want… why choose to be ignorant?

The Facts Of Life


This at a time when the GOP is trying to de-fund schools, break up teacher’s unions and effectively cut their pay.

Shouldn’t It Be A Two Way Street?

Just take the opposite of whatever they say and you’ll be damn close!

“They didn’t see the Spanish coming…”

Thus did the TEA Party became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch Brothers.

Perhaps this is why they haven’t landed on the White House lawn?

Racism affects everything it touches.

An Inconvenient Truth!
Just because you cannot see it, doesn't mean it is not there.

The most advanced computer on the planet. We should show more care.
The Opposite Of Progress? Congress!

I do not think it means what you think it means... __Inigo Montoya
You won't hear this sermon in your church.
Man Up John!

Hatred is ALWAYS self-destructive.
Did losing tip him over the edge?
In keeping with the spirit of the season... Thank you!
Do you really want to underestimate him? Weren't you paying attention to this last election?
Why think when others will do it for you?
Why Do You Suppose They Don't Want You To Know This?
Childhood shouldn't be this way.
"Don't keep pissing on my head and telling me it's raining." _Walter Mosley (Devil in a Blue Dress)
Mainstream Media? Not So Bad!
Poetic Justice?
I haven't forgotten about my religious readers!
He Is The One!
I suppose we should say thank you?
So long as we focus on "illegal immigration," the real cause of Job loss will continue. Outsourcing - The High Cost of Low Price.
Some Of Us Need Better Answers... How About You?
Do you feel me?
I'm Not For Sale! Are You?
Here again is a classic example of why STUPIDITY should be a capital offense.
I Don't Think They Thought This Through...
There Are Lies... Then There Are Damn Lies!
This is how things are supposed to work.
Put Your Raybans ON!!!

Commander in Chief

If your Pastor is urging you to vote Republican… or Not Vote at all (same thing as voting Republican) You’re In The Wrong Damn Church!


What if she were your daughter? Could you tell her this? I couldn’t…

The Nuts never fall far from the Republican Tree.
Perhaps He also intended for her to get an Abortion?

Yet Another Reason Indiana Gets Such A Bad Name.
One China is Enough!
Pro-Life? It's more than just words.
The Facts Do Matter
If President Obama were in charge of the Life Boats on the Titanic... The Republicans would've stayed on the ship...
The Truth About President Obama
This is what happens when you do your research watching FOX News.

Weeping, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth.

He Made Me Get Medieval On His Ass
Not the sharpest pencil in the box

A man is often known by the company he keeps


What do you believe?

Fruit from the poisonous tree?

What the Bible teaches about Mormonism

Mitt Romney - Human Chameleon
Liar, Liar, Pants on FIRE!
The Way of the Slave. Many are still on that path.
That Awful Moment
#1 American't
Capitalist no longer recruit and pay their labor force... They have them arrested!
Not Much Has Changed
Imagine his campaign if Mitt Drank?
Why Does God Need My Money?

Wonder Why You Never Hear This In Church???

Any Questions?
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Gallery = Great!!!!!!
Thank you! 🙂
So many splelin earors…
Irony: posting about false equivalency then posting several memes that do just that. Gotta love that self reflective humor. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed them… Means I’m doing my job. 🙂
I wish you would have shared on facebook. Good work, I could have used some of the timely ones when they were more relevant.
Actually… I did post every one of them on Facebook at the same time I posted them here. 🙂 You probably hadn’t discovered my Facebook page. 🙂