Pimping Jesus – Twisting The Gospel For Gain

Pimping Jesus Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

“A beginning is a very delicate time…” _Princess Irulan (Dune)

Pimping Jesus - Black NativitySome two thousand years ago, we are told that a child was born to a carpenter and his second wife. He was born into poverty and as things go, no one should have even known about or remembered anything about him.

However, the story takes a turn when we are told that Angelic beings announced his birth. Men of learning and prestige travelled from the Orient to witness his birth and the king in the area he was born, murdered every male child under two years of age in an effort to kill him. There is another twist to this tale. His mother was said to have conceived him without ever having “known” a man. Thus, she was a virgin while she carried him.

Pimping Jesus - Jesus In The Temple

Young Jesus In The Temple

We don’t really know much about his life until he turns 12 and resurfaces in a Jewish temple. We are told that his knowledge amazed the teachers of Jewish law and then he vanishes again. The next time he makes an appearance, he is a grown man on a mission.

At this point, the story is taken up by four different narrators. We learn of omens, signs, portents and of course miracles. He heals the sick, gives sight to the blind, causes the lame to walk again and even raises the dead. Small wonder, of the oppressed people he is ministering to, various political factions also began to take an interest.

Power Is More Addictive Than Crack Cocaine

This person we call Jesus – according to the Gospels – was building a following. Not of the wealthy and elite, but of the common, poor simple people. Rules, laws, traditions in society ultimately serve only two purposes.

  1. To keep a certain segment of society in power.
  2. To keep everybody else under their control.

Pimping Jesus - Women Harvesting A FieldHis message of giving to the poor, caring for the sick, no longer seeking or valuing material things was creating a problem. If people begin sharing what they have with others… for free, the people they’re sharing with, are not buying goods and services. If you’re a farmer and have a field that needs harvesting, and your friends whom are also followers of Jesus come and volunteer to help you bring in your crops, the people whom you would normally have hired, are out of work. If you then turn around and give away food to those who helped bring in your harvest, those people are not buying their produce at the local market. Thus, as you might expect, the merchants had a problem with the teachings of Jesus.

What about the political structures? The worst thing you can do to those who perceive that they have power is to make them irrelevant. Jesus’ message was not to overthrow the Romans, though there were factions who clearly wanted him to lead such a revolution. When asked about paying taxes – a trap laid by the Pharisees – Jesus said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” I know this may prove traumatic for my Republican readers, but Jesus said to pay your taxes! Jesus also said to obey the laws of the land. This hardly qualified him to be the firebrand revolutionary that would overthrow Roman rule.

Pimping Jesus - Bust of Constantine the Great. Emperor of Rome.

Constantine was the pagan – Sun worshipper – emperor of Rome who created Christianity and created your Bible.

The religious institutions also had a problem with Jesus. He pointed out the blatant hypocrisy of the Church. By “Church” I mean the Jewish religious institutions. The Christian Church as we know it today, had yet to be invented by the Roman Emperor Constantine. That would come some 300 years later.

For example, Jesus healed someone on the Sabbath. The Pharisees had a problem with this. There is a prohibition against doing any “work” on the Sabbath under Jewish Law. Of course, in my mind, this begs for a definition of what constitutes “work?” From the accounts in the Bible of Jesus healing someone, he usually simply spoke to them… but I digress. Jesus, using the Socratic method, posed the question, “which one of you if your Ass or Ox fell into a pit on the Sabbath, wouldn’t immediately pull them out?” Of course, every last one of them would, Sabbath or no Sabbath.

Pimping Jesus - Sabbath Elevator

Can’t push a button on the Sabbath? Not to worry, this elevator stops on each floor.

Ironically, even today, there are industries creating “Kosher” gadgetry to assist practicing Jews in circumventing restrictions presented by the Sabbath. Obey the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law be damned! As the saying goes, “rules were made to be broken…” or at least, worked around. If one believes in God, what does one suppose God’s opinion is? Do you think that God looks at these workarounds and gives out points for cleverness?

Pimping Jesus - Baby Sister

My baby sister from around this time frame.

Being the oldest, my parents would leave me in charge of my younger siblings whenever they left home. On several occasions, I was admonished to make sure my baby sister was in bed by 9 pm. On one such occasion, we were all watching a television program which wasn’t over until 11 pm. What to do? At 9 pm I instructed my baby sister – she was 9 years younger than I – to go and get in bed. 5 minutes later, I told her she could get back up and we finished the show, then I put her in bed. When my parents asked me the next day if my sister was in bed by 9 pm, I truthfully answered “yes.” They didn’t say anything about her getting back up. My sister loved me for my cleverness. However, if my parents had known… well, they would have had a different perspective on things. The trouble is, if one believes in God, then you have to believe that God knows that you’re employing human cleverness to circumvent the spirit and intention of his laws.

Pimping Jesus - Black Jesus Wearing A Hoodie

Jesus was always around the poor and common people.

The Bible says that Jesus made of himself no reputation. What this means is that Jesus did not promote himself, did not build himself up, lived his life as a common man. People think that Jesus was poor. He was anything but poor. He was born in a stable, because of timing and accident of birth. His father was a carpenter. This means he owned his own business. His uncle was Joseph of Arimathea who was not only a wealthy merchant, but was a member of the Sanhedrin and politically well connected. If Jesus had been born a pauper, the “Three Wise Men” brought him gifts of gold at his birth. This would have immediately made his family wealthy.

Jesus could have afforded a very fine horse. Yet, he walked everywhere he went. Jesus could have afforded a very fine house. Being a carpenter by trade, he could have built himself one. He could have built churches all around Palestine. Yet, he did none of these things. He chose a life of poverty and self-denial. This is far different from the so called preachers today who measure their success by the size of their churches, their homes and the expense of their cars.

Pimping Jesus

Jesus has been turned into a commodity. His message has been repackaged, turned over to advertising agencies and is being marketed at a profit. Churches take in 100s of billions of dollars a year pimping Jesus. Tours to the “Holy Land” sponsored by various church groups dump billions into the economy of Israel.

Pimping Jesus - Creflo Dollar's Private Jet

Pastor Creflo Dollar’s Private Jet

Preachers are buying mansions, corporate jets, Bentleys and Rolls Royce cars. They’re taking vacations on the French Riviera and buying expensive yachts. They’ve got personal chefs, personal trainers, tailors and stylists. Pimping Jesus has become a wildly successful business. Jesus has become the perfect product. It is an intangible product from which you can never get a refund. You don’t know whether or not it works until after you’re dead. Of course by then, it’s too late to ask for a refund.

Pimping Jesus - Paula White's Rolls Royce

Televangelist Paula White’s Rolls Royce in front of her Italian home

I often wonder, if Jesus came back today, would he even recognize today’s Church? 100s of billions taken in, mostly from poor people who can barely afford to give, yet they give because they’ve been manipulated into believing in a message that is the very antithesis of what Jesus actually taught.

How is it that with all the money churches are taking in, homeless shelters are having to turn people away? How is it with all the money churches are taking in, families with children are going to bed hungry right here in this country? Whenever those heart wrenching commercials come on my television showing children in some foreign land living in abject poverty, I think to myself, there are children living right her in these United States that are every bit as impoverished.

Pimping Jesus - Kirk Franklin Grammys

Kirk Franklin at the 54th Annual Grammys.

In Luke 18:8 Jesus asks an interesting question. He asks, whether or not he will find “faith” upon the Earth when he returns? This seems like a strange question to ask. Especially given that we have a church on almost every other corner in some communities. We have gospel recording artist who have songs that are doing well on the R&B charts. How could there not be faith when he returns? Isn’t faith everywhere? Perhaps not?

Matthew 25:31-46
King James Version (KJV)

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

You may want to read that twice. That is the true message of Jesus. Notice at no point is anyone asked about their religious affiliation, how much money they gave to their church, whether or not they paid tithes or even whether or not they believed in Jesus at all.

Now read the following and ask yourself if this is talking directly to and about all these preachers that have been pimping Jesus for gain?

Matthew 7:21-23
King James Version (KJV)

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Pimping Jesus - Jesus Montage

You either believe or you don’t.

So, what do you believe? No really? You don’t get any credit for donating money to a church. Caring for the poor, feeding the hungry, tending to the sick, sheltering the homeless and clothing the naked is a personal responsibility. Only you can discharge this obligation. Remember, it was the act of turning over the tables of the money changers and driving them out that triggered the events that led to Jesus being crucified. Today, the money changers are no longer out in the courtyards. Today, they’re running the Church. Are you following Jesus, or just pimping him?

Christianity And Modern Black Enslavement III

Christianity and Modern Black Enslavement Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr

The Information Vacuum

Children And The Bible

Indoctrination begins at an early age

In an information vacuum, the injection of any piece of data or information is seized on and subsequently becomes the basis or foundation upon which all subsequent data is judged. Those raised in Christian homes are introduced to the Bible and it’s concepts at an early age. At a time when one is not only too young to ask questions, but doesn’t even know which questions to ask, these concepts are imposed on the blank slate of a defenseless mind.

It is often easier for a parent to apply God as a cause than actually give a comprehensive explanation to the questions of a child. For example, I have a grandson whom when he was very young wanted to know the secrets of the universe. He wanted to know the answer to everything and he would ask me questions incessantly. In an effort to gain some peace and quiet I would often have to impose a moratorium on his questions. Usually 10 minutes or so. He would watch the clock until the moment his 10 minutes were up and begin again.

I don’t know if I did myself any good because he probably used his time to think of even more questions to ask. When dealing with children I always try to be mindful that my interaction with them will be a part of the foundation they use to build on for the rest of their lives. Thus, I do not talk down to them. I do not lie to them. If they ask me a question, I will give them the most accurate and comprehensive answer I am capable of. I tend to treat them as though they are miniature adults.

Why The Sky Is Blue

Why is the sky blue Papa?

On one fine day, my grandson was in rare form and I was on auto-pilot answering his questions while I cleaned the kitchen. My oldest son was sitting at the table working on some college level homework and evidently was monitoring our exchange. My grandson asked, “Papa, why is the sky blue?” Without giving it a second thought, I launched into an explanation covering the chemical composition of our atmosphere and how certain gases absorbed various frequencies of light. This of course necessitated an explanation of the electromagnetic spectrum. I finished, drawing everything together by saying that the red frequencies of light were absorbed by the various gases, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and the blue frequencies were allowed through thus giving us the impression that the sky is blue.

I continued cleaning the kitchen until I noticed the deafening silence. I turned to look at my grandson – he was about 6 at the time – he was staring at me with his mouth open and a totally confused look on his face. My oldest son was doubled over with his shoulders shaking trying valiantly to conceal the fact that the was cracking up with laughter. It was then I realized my mistake. At which point I told my grandson, “the sky is blue because that’s the way God made it.”

A smile of understanding broke across his face and all was good. It was a simple answer that he could understand and it satisfied him on that question. This happens all the time. God is used at the ultimate explanation for everything and in particular anything we do not understand. In an information vacuum, the first piece of information we are given becomes the basis or foundation for which all other data is judged.

Racism In The Media

When it comes to our society, segregation of the races has been practiced from the beginning and although there are cracks beginning to appear in the bulwarks, we still tend to enclave based on our ethnicity. Thus, white people don’t know a lot about black people, don’t know a lot about Hispanic or Asian people.

Charlie From Mr. Magoo

Racist indoctrination through the use of sterotypes

The media through movies, radio and television programming floods this information vacuum with often stereotypical portrayals of the various races. Some of these stereotypes are delivered in cartoons when children are extremely impressionable. Consider the Character of “Charlie” in the old “Mr. Magoo” cartoons. You have a totally stereotypical depiction of a Chinese man.

Antonio Fargas as Huggy Bear

Antonio Fargas as Huggy Bear

Sitcoms are another source of stereotyping. When you have no reality to base things on, what you see depicted on television becomes your reality. While you’re laughing at Jimmy Walker’s portrayal of “J.J.” what are you being taught about Black people and the Black lifestyle? Remember the old Starsky and Hutch serial dramas from the 70’s and 80’s? What was the only Black character with a recurring role? He was a pimp. Now if you went to school with Black people, worked around Black people or even attended Church with Black people, you would have had some actual experiences to balance these depictions. However, in our society, this is often not the case.

All Black people cannot dance. I’m one! All Black people are not good at playing basketball. I’m going to have to admit to being in this group as well. I competed in Track and Field and was a member of the Chess Club in school. Although I cannot dance, I’m a fairly accomplished Jazz musician; Saxophone. The point is, there is as much variation between individuals in the Black race as there are in any other race. Images and depictions do matter.

Christianity And Modern Black Enslavement

Image of Jesus

Even in Church, the white man is watching your every move.

When we apply this imagery and iconography to the religion of Christianity, the effects can be profoundly detrimental. No matter how we couch the theology, the subliminal subtext remains that:

  • The white man is your God.
  • You are hopelessly lost without the white man.
  • You must look to the white man for your salvation.

Until the iconography is corrected and the imagery restored to what it was in the beginning, so long as Black people continue to embrace Christianity, it will be difficult if not impossible for them to achieve self-determination. Yes, there may be a Black preacher in the pulpit, but there’s a larger than life white Jesus looking over his shoulder.

Part I and Part II

Christianity And Modern Black Enslavement (Part II)

Christianity and Modern Black Enslavement Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Christianity And Modern Black Enslavement

When we speak of Christianity and Modern Black Enslavement, we’re not so much talking about the enslavement of the body so much as the mind. If nothing else, Black people are people of faith! In some very real ways, this has worked to their detriment. When you look at the actuarial tables, you will notice that Black people here in the United States, have a lifespan significantly shorter than that of White people on average. Why? Ironically, the age at which one receives Social Security seems to be linked to the average lifespan of the Black male. As the lifespan of the Black male has increased, so too has the age at which one can begin receiving Social Security. Of course – tongue firmly pressed in cheek – that is merely a coincidence.

Actuarial Tables

Notice that based on statistics, a Black Male living an average lifespan will only get a couple of years of his Social Security.

African-American Health Care

When we finally do go to the doctor, our condition is much worse than if we’d gone when we first developed symptoms.

One of the things that must be considered is the teachings within the Black Church that encouraged Black people to trust Jesus and to pray for their health and healing. Going to a doctor was almost seen as a lack of faith. Of course if you don’t have medical insurance because you cannot afford it, trusting Jesus becomes your only viable alternative. When Black people do go to the doctor, often the problem has become so advanced that the treatment options are limited and extremely expensive. Thus our mortality rate. I have several relatives who were born at home with the aid of a midwife. Not because there were no hospitals readily available, but because that was our culture at that time.

You can have a perfectly healthy home delivery. However, what happens if there are complications? What if the child has some sort of issue? I have a son who would not be alive today had it not been for the attention and skill of the hospital and the attending physician.

Black Student

It is easy to slip through the cracks.

The effects of Christianity and Modern Black Enslavement are also manifested in the Black culture’s approach to education and employment. Faith and belief supersede preparation and performance. If you’re not getting your lesson in school, pray and ask God for help. I have no problem with prayer, but the reality is, a tutor or an after school session with your instructor will probably do you more good.

Christian Iconography And The Work Place

Earliest Depictions Of Virgin And Child

If the earliest depictions of Jesus and the Apostles showed African looking people, why was it necessary to change them?

The earliest depictions of Jesus and the Apostles all showed extremely dark men. Many wore “Afros.” So how did we arrive at this blond haired, blue eyed, white skinned Jesus? According to the stories, this was by design. None other than Michael Angelo was commissioned to paint the image of Jesus that is still widely used today. You say but it doesn’t matter what color Jesus is? Oh, but it obviously did matter. If it didn’t, Michael Angelo would not have been paid to do it.

Jesus entering Jerusalem

Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem

Let’s examine the ethnicity of Jesus and the real Hebrews/Jews. First of all, the only Europeans in the area at that time were the Greeks and the Romans. Jesus was neither Greek nor Roman so he clearly wasn’t what anyone could mistake for white. In the Gospel account of Herod seeking to kill him, Joseph takes Jesus and his family and flees into Egypt. The Egyptians were predominately African except for those who had mixed with the Greeks. If I were trying to hide from an assassin, the RNC Convention wouldn’t really be my first choice. I would be pretty easy to spot. You would want to blend into a crowd that looked a lot like you.

Black Jesus Wearing A Hoodie

If Jesus were walking down the street at night wearing a hoodie…

The facts are that if Jesus were walking down the street today, dressed as we are, he would find it extremely difficult to hail a cab. He probably would have cause to be concerned when passing a policeman. Wearing a “hoodie?” Definitely out of the question! So why do we have this white skinned, blond haired, blue eyed Jesus today? Because It is much easier to worship a God who looks like you look. If God is white and you’re white, you’re much more related to God than someone who is not white.

Looks Like Jesus?

If when you close your eyes and picture Jesus, the image you’re seeing looks like your boss… or a co-worker, you’re at a disadvantage.

Now think about this from the Black perspective. If you have been programmed in your mind to believe that Jesus looks like a white man, how then can you deal from a position of equality with your boss, the police or your school teacher? They look like your God. Close your eyes and picture Jesus. What do you see? Whom does your “Lord and Saviour” look like? Lord and Saviour or Lord and Slaver?

One thing that must be asked, had the original iconography not been supplanted with the Europeanized versions, how would that have affected the way Europeans interacted with and treated Africans? Would the African Slave Trade ever occurred? Prior to every atrocity the victims of that atrocity are first dehumanized, then demonized.

WWII anti-Jewish Propaganda

Before Auschwitz, Dachau, Chelmno, Jasenovac, the Jewish people first had to be demonized.

We saw this in graphic form during WWII. Government propaganda departments produced posters, cartoons and movies designed to dehumanize and demonize the “enemy” to gin up public support for their war efforts. Jews in Germany were depicted as money grubbing, bestial, rats and described as being parasites, feeding on German society. We know how that turned out.

Over here, the Japanese were done the same way. They were depicted as slant eyed, slope forehead, fang toothed, nearly simian beasts. They were depicted as creatures of nightmares. The added problem here in the United States was, we had naturalized and American born, Japanese citizens who had been living here for years. The racial hatred engendered didn’t just apply to the Japanese soldiers we were fighting. It crossed over to the Japanese Americans living and working right alongside us.

Anti-Japanese Propaganda Poster From WWII

Like Germany did to the Jews, we also demonized the Japanese.

The results? Many Japanese citizens were rounded up and placed in concentration camps just like the German Jews in Nazi Germany were. The difference? We called ours, “Internment Camps.” It might well have gone the same way for the Japanese here as it did for the Jews in Germany. Let us not kid ourselves into believing that human nature is somehow improved based on geographical location.

The only thing that prevented a Japanese Holocaust right here in the United States was, our form of government – thankfully – spreads power between 3 branches. In Germany, Hitler’s word was law. Even so, we dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan – which were unnecessary – wiping out soft civilian targets. This met the definition of a war crime. Perhaps this has something to do with why we never signed on to the Geneva Convention?

Iconography And The Enslavement Of Black People

Birth Of A Nation PosterThe depiction of Black people historically and currently has been used to foster and maintain a policy of degradation and oppression. The 1915 film “The Birth Of A Nation” by D.W. Griffith is an excellent example of this. The film is based loosely on “The Clansman” which was a propaganda piece for the Ku Klux Klan. It is a silent film which shows two families, one from the North and the other from the South, going through the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Birth Of A Nation Statehouse Scene

Eating chicken and trimming their toe nails in the Statehouse… Really???

In this film Black people – usually played by white people in “black face” – are shown taking advantage of white women. They’re is a scene showing newly elected Black congressmen, eating chicken and trimming their toe nails in the House Chambers, with their feet up on the desks. They’re showed preventing white people from voting. Ironically, they’re shown treating white people in the same ways white people treated Black Slaves. I don’t need to tell you that this film scared white people to death. It probably did more to set the tone for Black and White relations from it’s release until today than anything else. Iconography and depictions do matter. They shape not only the perceptions of the public, but the victims as well.

I See Scary Black People

I see scary Black People. From Birth Of A Nation

To Be Continued In Part III

Christianity And Modern Black Enslavement

Christianity and Modern Black Enslavement Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

A Brief Glimpse Inside A Black Church

Black Church Service

Black Church Service

If you’ve ever attended a “Black Church,” you know that in almost every service they set aside a portion for what is called “testimony service.” For those of you that don’t know, this is a specially set aside portion of the service where members in the congregation, rise to their feet and wait to be recognized by whomever is leading the service. When recognized they relate something they believe God has done for them over the past week, or at least, since the last time they had the opportunity to “testify.”

There are some who have developed what may only be described as a “Testimony Template.” It goes something like this:

“First giving praise and honor to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the head of my life…” What follows next is their “testimony.” It might be how they were sick, prayed and got better, or how they didn’t have the money to pay a bill that was due and almost miraculously they acquired the money. It could be about some problem they were having on their job, you name it. I’ve even heard of broken washing machines that miraculously began to work again. The testimony ends with some version of the following: “I ask the Saints to pray my strength in the Lord, I started with Jesus and I am determined to go through!”

Personally I always wondered, with all the starving children in the world, and with Jesus being recorded as expressing a great deal of concern for little children, why Jesus would be fixing washing machines and paying bills while children were starving and dying from disease and malnutrition? But that’s just me.

If we were to break down the formula for the “Testimony Template,” you have the supplication, you could call it the flattery part. This is where in almost medieval terms, the “Patents of Nobility” are recited for Jesus. “Lord and Saviour,” “head of my life” are terms that exalt Jesus while abasing the person giving the testimony. You will also hear these in prayers often given by preachers in what I call “The Grand Eloquent Introduction.” There is almost a competitive spirit as each one tries to out do the other in the art of flattering God. Here’s an example of how one such prayer might begin:

Black Preacher Praying

Yet another “Grand Eloquent Introduction.”

“Oh most gracious and heavenly Father, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. Thou who spoke creation into existence, thou who stands outside of time yet reached into time to make manifest thy majesty. Oh God, heavenly father, master of the infinities, thou who stretched forth thy hand and caused life to spring forth…” 

This can go on for as long as the preacher can keep the polysyllabic superlatives flowing. You will notice that much use is made of the “King James English.” I suppose God appreciates that archaic lilt when being addressed. Of course I would be extremely surprised and more than a little disappointed to think that God could be moved by human flattery.

Jesus Whipping The Money Changers

Regardless of the context, a whip in Jesus hand is powerful iconography.

Indeed what we have is the anthropomorphising of God. We assume that God will be moved by the flattering compliments that work on our fellow human beings. Hidden deep in this process is the implicit separation between Man and God. God is placed a top a rocket of archaic prose and flung high into the outermost reaches of deep Space, while Man is diminished to the lowest most abject recesses of the Earth. The Gulf is truly staggering. God is the Master and Man will forever be the Slave, to be used and disposed of as God sees fit.

The irony for those who subscribe to the Christian faith is, this is exactly the opposite of the message of Jesus. When you distil the message of Jesus and his stated mission down to it’s bare essence. Jesus came to bring “atonement”  – At-One-Ment – between God and mankind. Yet, in almost any Christian church around the world, you will hear time and again how wretched and worthless human beings are and how majestic God is. Within the Black Church over and over again, you will hear Black people referring to Jesus as their “Master.”

If we want to put this phenomenon in the best light possible, we could chalk it up to cultural ignorance. Indeed, in the Gospels Jesus is frequently referred to as “Master.” However, in the context of that culture and time period, “Master” meant “Teacher.” It did not infer the relative relationship between a slave and a slave owner. Given the history of the African Slave Trade in the Americas, while many Black Christians may know this intellectually, viscerally there is over 430 years of psychological “baggage” that makes it difficult to separate the term’s connotative meaning from it’s denotative meaning.

The Devil

The Devil attends Church quite regularly.

Thus, when they accept Christ as their “Lord and Master” they are psychologically embracing a slave mentality that makes them ripe for exploitation. How so? I can truthfully say during my 30 year church period, not once did Jesus ever show up physically or manifest in the flesh… met the Devil quite a few times, but Jesus? No. Jesus was always there invisibly and by proxy. The proxy for Jesus is the Pastor who claims to be delivering “the Word of God” or in essence, speaking for Jesus. By extension the Pastor then becomes the “Master.”

Paula White's Rolls Royce

Televangelist Paula White’s Rolls Royce in front of her Italian home

This earthly, human master doesn’t want them to pick cotton or plant fields, but he/she does want money. Lots of money! “Blessed Assurance” has become Blessed Insurance and the premiums on that policy are high! Tithes – 10% of your gross, some churches require a copy of your W-2 – offerings, “give as unto the Lord.” “Give until it hurts.” “Building fund” contributions. I know of some churches who collected building fund donations and never built anything for over 20 years.

Creflo Dollar's Private Jet

Pastor Creflo Dollar’s Private Jet

Let us not forget, “Pastor’s appreciation” contributions. Most Black churches once a year hold a week long fund raiser to commemorate their Pastor coming to their church and there is always an extremely large cash gift for their pastor. This is on top of his weekly salary and whatever other costs the church covers. Often this includes his house or a portion of his mortgage payment, his car and whatever else he negotiated when he took the job. As I heard one Pastor say, “I’m in God’s business and God’s business is booming!” For him, I’m sure it is.

Is Christianity Good For Black People?

Pope Nicholas V

Pope Nicholas V

Given that the African Slave Trade was initiated and blessed by the Catholic Church, the easy answer would have to be a resounding NO! In 1452 Pope Nicholas V issued his “Papal Bull” known as “The Dum Diversas.” This document gave permission to the kings of Spain and Portugal to go into Africa, seize the land, the possessions of and the people themselves and reduce them to perpetual slavery. For the first time in human history, chattel slavery was being practiced. It was being practiced against Africans and in the Americas.

Slaves In Chains

Definitely Not Good For Black People

Let me expand on chattel slavery. Prior to Pope Nicholas’ Papal Bull, slavery had been practiced at various times by various peoples throughout history. However, Slaves had rights and slavery wasn’t permanent. You could not be born a slave. Under Chattel slavery, the Slave was no different than livestock. Slavery was permanent and if you had children – intentionally or otherwise – your children would be born slaves. Think about that for a moment. There is a direct parallel with the Christian doctrine of being born into sin and being literally born into slavery. Getting African Slaves to make this connection required no psychological conditioning. They were living it.

Underwater Sculpture honoring Slaves who were thrown overboard.

Underwater Sculpture honoring Slaves who were thrown overboard.

During the 430 plus years the African Slave Trade was active in the Americas, by conservative estimates we lost over 100 million Africans during the “Middle Passages” alone. The “Middle Passage” was the period from point of capture to the auction block. This doesn’t include the multiplied 100’s of millions of African Slaves who actually made it to the auction block to live out the remainder of their lives in degradation and misery.

Those more astute are probably saying, “but we never had that many African Slaves in these United States!” You’re right! The United States or what became the United States, only received about 4% of the African Slaves. The rest went to the Caribbean Islands, Brazil and other places in South America. The numbers of Africans removed from Africa is simply staggering. We look at Africa today and marvel at how primitive and under developed certain sections are. Think about what the world’s population was back in 1452. If you had taken a similar number of people out of Europe, what might Europe look like today?

If the ancestor of the person who invented the telephone, radio, automobile, computer, rocket engines had died, would those things have been invented? The world would be a much different place than it is today. What might Africans have invented had they been left alone? They built the Pyramids, something we cannot duplicate today even with our modern technology. What knowledge was lost?

Christianity and Modern Black Enslavement Continues in Part II

When Racism Trumps Christian Faith

When Racism Trumps Christian Faith

Strange Bed fellows

by Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.


First let me say by way of disclaimer, I am a devout Agnostic. You might say, “then you have no dog in this fight?” In one sense, that would be true. However although I do not subscribe to any system of belief, I live in a country where those in government not only do subscribe to systems of belief, but invite us to form opinions regarding their integrity and fitness for office based on their particular brand of faith. Since we are invited to use their professions of faith as a measuring stick for their fitness to lead us, it is only fair that we oblige them and examine, not only their beliefs, but how ardently they adhere to those beliefs. Likewise when people with the title of Evangelist share their faith with us, it is not beyond the pale to observe and examine their actions to determine if they actually believe in what they’re selling.

When Racism Trumps Christian Faith

Billy Graham meets Mitt Romney

Strange Bed Fellows Indeed

This past week “Evangelist to the Presidents,” Billy Graham and the heir to his ministry, Franklin Graham sat down with Governor Willard Mitt Romney. Mr. Romney is running for the office of President of these United States, so on the surface there is nothing strange or unusual about their meeting. Indeed the 93 year old Rev. Graham has met with every President since Eisenhower. What is unusual is what happened following that meeting.

On Rev. Graham’s website at that time there was a list of religious groups he considered to be “cults.” Mormonism was on that list along with Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Church of Scientology and others. Following that meeting, Mormonism was removed from that list. Why? What happened? What changed? When things seem unusual, it is often best to dig a little deeper. First, we need to take a step back and get a perspective on some things.

Moses Bringing Down the 10 Commandments

Moses Brings Down the Ten Commandments

Christianity has been a “no compromise” religion. If you trace it back through it’s roots in Judaism, the Christian God wrecked genocide on groups of people who did not believe in or worship him. The Old Testament of the Bible is rife with wars of aggression being waged against people for whom there was precious little mentioned in the way of provocation. You must remember, if you believe the whole “10 Commandments” thing with Moses, a mountain and God, the “10 Commandments” were given to the Jews, not the rest of the world. Thus, to punish people for not living up to a law they were never given in the first place, seems a bit peculiar does it not?

The Walls of Jericho coming down

The Walls of Jericho Coming Down

It would be sort of like driving through a town in your shiny black truck, being stopped by the police, pulled out of your truck and then summarily shot! Why? Because driving a black colored vehicle is a crime punishable by immediate death in the town you’re driving through. Might have been nice to have known that before hand wouldn’t it? Remember the famous battle of Jericho? You know? Probably heard about it in Sunday School? People marched, trumpets blew, walls came crashing down, slaughter ensued… What did those people ever do to deserve what happened to them? If we’re going by the Biblical accounts, not a thing.

The Crusades



Fast forward in time to the “Middle Ages.” You have the Crusades. If you drill down an actually analyze the issues, Saladin the Muslim Sultan of Egypt and Syria was an admirable person. He had no problem with Christian pilgrims coming to the “Holy Lands.” The problem was, the Roman Catholic Church simply could not abide the fact that Jerusalem was being controlled and run by people who were not Christian. Never mind the fact that the sites they considered holy were not being defiled but were equally revered by the Muslims. They had to go to war. Thousands of innocent people – civilians if you please – lost their lives for no good purpose. The wounds inflicted during the “Crusades” still haunt us today and influence the relationship between Islam and the West. Why all the bloodshed? Muslims believed differently than Christians. Same God. Same patriarchs but a different spin on things. Christians, Jews and Muslims all claim to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Odd that with so much in common, they simply cannot get along.

Thirty Years War

Graph of European Involvement in the Thirty Years War

European Involvement in Thirty Years War

Fast forward again to the “Pre-Colonial” period. One of the longest lasting and most destructive wars in recorded history was what is known as the “Thirty Years War.” This was a war between Catholics and Protestants. It involved most of Europe at one time or another. Again, same God, same basic beliefs, but because one group had a different spin on things, they had to go to war and people had to die. The cost in lives and resources was tremendous.

Indeed, all the denominations we have today, your Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, all of them Protestants, could be said to have had their genesis in the “Thirty Years War.” It was this war that helped to solidify the lines as it were and the differences between these groups. The question I continually ask is, “how can all these people, reading from the same book, the “Holy Bible,” all come away with something different?


[KJV] Galatians 1:8

 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Mormon Golden Plates

No, these are not really them. This is an artists depiction of what they might have looked like had they actually existed.

Mormonism in the grand scheme of things is a brand new man made religion with little to no basis in reality. It lacks the historical context that the other religions point to. Other religions regardless of how they interpret the archaeological data, at least have archaeological data they can point to. Mormonism does not. Those “Golden Tablets” supposedly delivered to Joseph Smith by the “Angel Moroni?” Well, supposedly they were taken back to heaven. Thus, they don’t exist. Even before they were magically transported back to heaven, you couldn’t see them if you were not a true believer. I don’t mean they wouldn’t let you see them. I mean you could be looking directly into the box they were supposed to by lying in. Only those who truly believed could see them. A delusion induced hallucination by any other name.

Mythical Battle Between the Lamanites and the Nephites

Mythical Battle Between the Lamanites and the Nephites

There is no archaeological evidence for any of the supposed battles claimed to have occurred between the “Lamanites and the Nephites.” No weapons, arrowheads, swords, shields all the things that we find from the sites of battles many thousands of years more remote in their historical context. What’s worse is, the science of DNA disproves the seminal Mormon claim that the Native Americans are actually descendants of lost tribes of Jews. Of course, Joseph Smith didn’t know about DNA or the science of genetics when he was making up his religion. Who did back at that time? He had absolutely no idea that a time would come when with just a simple cheek swab, we could pinpoint a person’s ancestry to almost any point on the globe. Not only that, but using DNA you can pull out all the different ethnic contributions that make up who you are.

Mormon Jesus with the Lamanites and the Nephites

We know that this never happened

The bottom line? The Native Americans are in no way, nor have they ever been related to Semitic people. Thus, they’re not some lost tribe of Jews. Of course, one never asks, how exactly do you lose a tribe of people? Has this put the lie to Mormonism? Of course not! Some people simply do not want to be confused with facts. When it comes to Judaism, Christianity and to some extent Islam, much of their lore is simply uncheckable. Can we prove that Abraham existed? No we cannot. We also cannot prove that he did not exist. Science and archaeological evidence strongly suggests it is all a myth, however the events occurred so far back in time that we can never be absolutely certain as to what happened.

Tom Green poses with his five wives after being recently released from jail

Tom Green – Mormon Polygamist with his five wives

Unfortunately for Mormonism, this is not the case. We actually have the records of Joseph Smith’s run-ins with the law on fraud charges. We have records of how he actually died in a gun battle trying to escape from being lynched in jail. We have records of his numerous infidelities with the wives of other men. How surprising that the religion he founds has as one of it’s primary tenets of faith, polygamy. In fact to become a God with your very own planet to rule, you had to take many wives. The more the merrier as they say.

Irreconcilable Differences

The differences between Mormonism and orthodox Christian teachings, is simply staggering. Put another way, wars have been fought and thousands of people have died over disputes in theology that look specious by comparison. Christians teach that Jesus is the only begotten son of God. Mormons teach that not only did God have other sons, Jesus and Lucifer are in fact brothers. Thus all humanity is caught up in a family dispute over a difference of opinions.

Poor Joseph God Was A Hard Act To Follow

Poor Joseph, God would have been a hard act to follow.

Christianity teaches that God is a spirit and those who worship him, worship him in spirit and in truth. Mormonism teaches that God has a physical body with which he enjoys endless celestial sex with his numerous wives. Christianity teaches that Jesus was born of the “Virgin Mary” who conceived through a move of the “Holy Spirit.” Mormonism teaches that God – Elohim – came down in a physical body and had sex with Mary. Of course, if she were a virgin, she wouldn’t have been after that.

Burned at the stake

Had Joseph Smith been around during the Inquisition his theology would have received a warm reception.

The most staggering problem with Mormonism and in essence, what ought to be the deal breaker for even serious consideration as a religion is this fundamental error in logic. According to Mormonism, Elohim was born a human being to as yet unknown, unnamed parents who were of course gods. Elohim was elevated to God status following his death because of his adherence to the teachings of Mormonism. Did you catch that? How could Elohim the supposed creator of this Universe and this planet have followed the teachings of Mormonism when Joseph Smith had not been born and of course had yet to invent Mormonism? You say it was given to him by the angel Moroni? Where did Moroni get it? The whole scam… er, scheme falls apart with the application of a few very simple questions. Had Joseph Smith lived during the time of the Inquisition – damn shame he didn’t – he would have been summarily burned at the stake.

When Racism Trumps Christian Faith

“In the face of a common foe, traditional enemies will unite.”

So what on earth could have bridged the gap between Christianity and Mormonism? Who could have brought these two diametrically opposed theologies together? Who is the “unite-er and not the divider?” Who on this planet has the power to upend 2,000 years of Christian beliefs? Beliefs held so strongly that people have been willing to die for them? Whom could possibly do this?

President Obama

President Barack Hussein Obama 44th President of the United States

There is but one man on this planet with the power to perform such a miracle. His name? President Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, his very presence, his very existence has caused racist white people so much distraught that possibly for the first time in recorded history, they’ve stopped fighting one another over the basis of their theological differences and have come together in unity to fight against the very thought of our first Black President having a second term in office. This phenomenon is one that should be studied for years to come. It should be of interest to political science students and theologians as well. When you look back over recorded history and realize how many wars have been fought and blood spilt over such minor issues as to whether or not  one group had their baptismal formula correct or whether or not one needed to be fully immersed in water or simply have water poured over one’s head.

Franklin Graham

“I am not at all bothered by the fact that Mitt Romney is a Mormon.”

The history of religion has been fraught with one war after the other over what a disinterested 3rd party would consider minor points of doctrine. After all, they all read from the same book, believe in the same God, who cares what comes first in a worship service? This is what makes these current events so damn miraculous! The differences between Mormon theology and Christian theology are not at all small. They’re huge! So, when Franklin Graham says he’s not at all bothered by the fact that Mitt Romney is a Mormon, there must be something else, some power working behind the scenes that can warp the very fabric of theological reality.


Klu Klux Klan attending a Sunday Morning Service

Racism has always been a part of Christianity

Our first clue to this mystery probably has to do with the fact that in spite of the fact that President Obama spent over 20 years in a Christian church, was baptized, there, married there, had his daughters Christened there, a portion of this nation still believes him to be a Muslim.  In point of fact, there would be nothing wrong with him being a Muslim, but why do they insist on making him something he is not?

Muslim Pilgrims at the Hajj

Islam is considered by many white people to be a religion for dark skinned people. Thus if they’re already racist, it carries a connotation when mentioned.

Islam is considered to be a religion for and of dark skinned people. When you say the word Muslim, in many white people’s minds, the word “Black” is inserted in front of it. Thus, Muslim becomes “Black Muslim.” The reality is, people of all races practice the Islamic faith. However, to know this, you’d actually have to study a bit and become familiar with what Islam is. There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims in the world today. You would think with that many people practicing a system of belief, you might want to know a little about what it is they believe.

Christian Pilgrims participating in a group baptismal ritual in the river Jordan

Christian pilgrims participating in a group baptismal ritual in the river Jordan. Of course they’re white people, but as with Muslims, they could have well been any race of people.

There are a little over 2 billion Christians in the world. The difference in those numbers is actually negligible in the grand scheme of things. When you have a billion people on the planet who think anything is important, it might be a good idea to become familiar with it. It is not so much what we say, not so much what people hear, the important things is what happens in their minds when they’re processing our words. Just as Islam is considered to be a religion practiced by dark skinned people, so too is Christianity considered to be the religion of white people. If I say to you, “he’s a good Christian man” when describing someone to you whom you’ve never met, what image pops into your mind? What race of person are you seeing? By the same token, if I were to describe someone as a good practicing Muslim, what image pops into your head? What is the race of the person you’re imagining?


Mormon missionaries

Mormon Missionaries

The same is particularly true for Mormonism. If I told you to pick the Mormon out of a crowd, you would begin looking for a white person. Believe it or not, there are Black Mormons, nevertheless when you think of Mormons you do not consider Black people as being Mormon. The perception of a Mormon is a white male with no facial hair, wearing a white shirt, black slacks and a neck tie. If we were going to go all in on the stereotype, you’d be looking for a bicycle nearby. This is the image many people have of Mormons. At some point you were presented with it, probably can’t remember when or where and it’s been reinforced over time. Thus when you hear the word Mormons, that memory is automatically triggered.

Sister Wives

Mormon Sister Wives

Of course there is the other popular image and that is of a group of women – “sister wives” – all with their hair similarly arranged, uncut, wearing shapeless, straight dresses that could easily be made at home. These are images which automatically come to mind whenever we’re presented with certain triggers. Is this true? Is this factual? It doesn’t matter. We operate from our perceptions. Racism flows from our perceptions. Our perceptions is where latent and often overt racism resides.

When Franklin Graham opines that President Obama may secretly be a Muslim, on what does he base his opinion? President Obama is rather fond of beer. Muslims like Mormons abstain from alcoholic beverages. President Obama is married to only one woman and has only been married to one woman. Many Muslims around the world just as do many Mormons, practice polygamy. President Obama believes the same gospel Franklin’s father has been preaching for over 63 years. Mitt Romney does not. Yet we now find these two as the strangest of bed fellows. Why?

It is clear that racial hatred long buried and obscured by the façade of Christianity has revealed it’s self at last. For your racial hatred to be so strong it will allow you to embrace with open arms what heretofore on your own website you called a cult. It must be strong indeed. Let’s be clear. Prior to this unholy alliance, had you asked either of the Grahams if there would be any Mormons in heaven, without hesitation they would of told you unequivocally no! Further they would have told you that anyone teaching the false gospel of Mormonism was leading people straight to hell and imperilling their immortal souls. If this is suddenly no longer true, then perhaps we ought to question the entire gospel the Grahams have been preaching all these years. Were they only in it for the money?

If you want to know what Mormons believe and teach, watch the following video presentation prepared by ex-Mormons based on their own documentation. If after watching this you conclude that people who sincerely believe the Christian message as outlined in the Bible, can embrace Mormonism as just another branch or denomination of the Christian faith, then all bets are off and we need to dispense with the Bible because it’s become meaningless psycho-babble.

What the Mormons Teach and Believe

The Hijacking of Jesus

The story I’m about to tell you is absolutely true. It has always been known by an inner circle of powerful people and generally kept from the masses. The reality is, this truth has been hiding in plain site for well over 2,000 years. The truth can be a very dangerous thing. That is why it is most often guarded by a battalion of lies. Most of you have never heard this. Most of you will refuse to believe it. Some will do the research merely looking for a way to refute this truth. The thing about truth is, whether you believe it or not, once you’re exposed to it, it changes you. If you are unable to handle truth, stop reading now. If on the other hand you want to know, I have a story to tell you.

This story begins with a very famous Greek who conquered the then known world. His name was Alexander of Macedon. He is better known from history as Alexander the Great. While this story begins with him, it is not about him. The story is actually about one of his generals by the name of Ptolemy. Alexander practiced a form of conquest that was focused more on acquisition than destruction. What he did after he conquered a land, was install a governor, make those people a part of his empire and of course, tax them. The Romans learned from and followed Alexander’s example.

It should come as no surprise, after conquering Egypt, Alexander installed a governor and moved on. The governor that Alexander installed, was one of his favorite generals a man by the name of Ptolemy. It is important to note, that at that time – circa 300 BC – the only Europeans were either Greek or Roman. This is important to note because it means that the people who lived in Egypt, the Egyptians were Black Africans. All the great pyramids had already been built. All the great temples, the Sphinx all the wonders in Egypt had already been built before any Europeans stumbled into the Nile Valley. In point of fact, Egypt had already reached the pinnacle of it’s civilization and was in decline. This is important to note because many modern revisionist historians refuse to recognize the accomplishments of the Africans. The Jews have tried to take credit in their mythologies, but as usual get their stories wrong. A trip to Egypt and a simple inspection will prove that nothing from that period was built out of mud bricks made with straw. The Egyptians built in stone. And of course, now there is the “Alien Connection.” Some are saying that ancient visitors from outer space came down and did all the construction. It seems anything is more believable than Africans having built and left such a legacy. But I digress.

Ptolemy had a problem. In order to rule Egypt, he had to become Pharaoh of Egypt. The Pharaoh was considered to be a living god. Sure, you could try and rule by force alone. However, a culture as mature and developed as the Egyptians would be very difficult to rule by force of arms. If you think about it, our modern army the most modern and powerful fighting force yet to exist on this planet, has been unable to pacify the primitive nation of Afghanistan. You reach a point, where military might will not take you to the resolution you desire. What Ptolemy needed was to find someone to make him a god. Egypt was full of various religious denominations however the only group that would agree to his demands were the Coptic priests. In order to rule, Ptolemy had to become the supreme god, over and above all other Egyptian gods. The Coptics had just the ticket. They combined the essence of Osiris with Apis the bull and created a god called Serapis.

This new god was supreme and over all other gods. It possessed the form of a man and was depicted with an overflowing cup upon his head. Often around his head were depicted sprouting branches. Serapis gave life by pouring his essence or anointing from the cup that sat atop his head. This anointing was called the Christos. The priesthood who served Serapis became known as the Bishops of the Christos or Bishops of Christ.

“A correspondence of Emperor Hadrian refers to Alexandrian worshipers of Serapis calling themselves ‘Bishops of Christ’:

‘Egypt, which you commended to me, my dearest Servianus, I have found to be wholly fickle and inconsistent, and continually wafted about by every breath of fame. The worshipers of Serapis (here) are called Christians, and those who are devoted to the god Serapis (I find), call themselves Bishops of Christ.’

–Hadrian to Servianus, 134A.D. (Quoted by Giles, ii p86)”

Historical Context.

You are no doubt familiar with a rather famous Egyptian Queen by the name of Cleopatra. What most people do not know is that there were several Queens named Cleopatra. In point of fact, the one we’re going to focus on is the one who was married to Julius Caesar and then later to Marc Antony. She was Cleopatra VII. She was the several generations – nearly 300 years – a great granddaughter of Ptolemy Soter. (The study of salvation through Jesus is called soteriology) Following the death of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony and Octavian went to war for control of the Roman Empire. We’ve all seen the story of Cleopatra committing suicide by embracing the poisonous asps. The dreams of the star crossed lovers ended when Marc Antony was defeated and killed by Octavian making Octavian sole emperor of Rome. What most people do not know is that upon becoming emperor, Octavian took on the name Augustus. Yes, the same Caesar Augustus that figures so prominently in the Christmas story.

It is important to have some historical context when placing events and understanding their meanings. This is the time into which Jesus was born. Rome was consolidating it’s power under Augustus. Because of this instability some of the nations under the control of Rome began testing Rome’s resolve. Why did the Angels sing “Peace on Earth?” Because there wasn’t any. The Jewish people were looking for a messiah that would liberate them from Roman rule.

We all are familiar with the story of Jesus. He travels, preaches, develops a following and is crucified. His followers carry on his mission. At that time, being a follower of Jesus was not a spectators sport. Being a follower of Jesus could get you killed. The Romans would kill you for being a member of a group that wanted to overthrow of Rome. The orthodox Jews didn’t like you because you were antagonistic to their authority and control. They considered you to be heretics. This presented a problem for the early followers of Jesus which can be seen from the archaeological record. The followers of Jesus built hidden and concealed gathering places to worship. They used coded symbols, most prominently the symbol of a fish. Notice I have not referred to the followers of Jesus as “Christians.” The reason is quite simple. They didn’t refer to themselves as Christians.

Christians 2.0

In spite of persecution, the message carried by the followers of Jesus seemed to flourish. The truth of his teachings seemed to strike a chord in the hearts of the people who heard them. The Jesus movement grew. Although there is some historical evidence for followers of Jesus being crucified, used for entertainment and sport in the Roman arenas and Colosseum, in spite of this, the movement continued to grow. It grew to the point that it attracted the attention of the mother of a Roman general named Constantine. Her name was Helena. Helena was not one to go halfway. She dived into the story of Jesus and his followers as avidly as some await the next installment of Harry Potter or the Twilight series. She went to the “Holy Lands” and basically asked anyone she met, where some pivotal event occurred. Where was Jesus born? There was no way to know whether or not the person she was asking actually had any idea. Nevertheless, whatever she was told, she placed an imperial marker and that place became the official site. Churches were built wherever these markers were placed and they have become the official sites that people go to and revere today.

Now we come to the matter of what you believe. If you believe that there has been an evil force – Satan – out to destroy the followers of Jesus, what do you think it has been doing? At first the plan seemed to have been to scatter the followers of Jesus. That didn’t work because wherever they went, they took his teachings with them and the message spread. Oppression simply wasn’t effective. The more oppressed, the more the movement grew. A change in strategy was in order. If you can’t beat them, join them. There is a saying that goes, “if we can name it we can tame it.” The first thing done was to give the followers of Jesus a name. They were called Christians. It was a nice fit. The iconography was already there. The budding branches around the head of Serapis morphed into a crown of thorns. The cup atop the head of Serapis became a halo. The image of Jesus became one and the same as that of Serapis.

Of course the message changed. Jesus said to Roman soldiers who asked what they needed to do to gain eternal life, “do violence to no man.” Constantine, claimed – like Paul – to have had a vision. His vision was of a cross floating in the sky. A voice spoke to him telling him to go and conquer under this sign. The story goes, that Constantine won his battle and Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine thought that having a universal religion would help to unite the Empire. To this end, Constantine decided to build 50 churches across his empire. He wanted a Bible to go in each of his churches thus, documentation had to be gathered, vetted and created. To this end, in 325 AD Constantine convened the first Nicaean Council.

Nicaean Council 325 AD

This is where it all began. Christian apologist take the position that this council merely met to produce a clear and comprehensive statement on the tenets of the Christian faith. However, common sense proves this not to be the case. First, Nice is in what is modern day Turkey. 300 Bishops from all around the empire were called to attend. Travel at that time was an arduous proposition. Further you can tell from the agenda of the meeting that these issues had hardly been decided or accepted by all. The first item on the agenda was the Arian controversy. Arius, who was from Alexandria Egypt, taught that Jesus was the creation of God. He was God’s most perfect creation but he was not God. He was the perfect son of God.

Why is this significant? Remember where the Christos was created? That’s right, in Egypt by the Coptic priests. Arius knew and was quite familiar with the story. He knew that the Christos was a created being. The other problem this controversy exposes is, in order for their to be any dispute, the Gospel of John 10:30 could not have been in existence. That verse reads, “I and my father are one.” After uttering this, the Jews took up rocks to stone Jesus. Thus, if that gospel existed prior to the Nicaean Council and the events recorded therein are factual, there could have been no dispute regarding the true nature of Jesus. Thus, there is evidence that the Gospel of John did not exist prior to 325 AD. If it did, the members of the Council seemed unfamiliar with it.

It was at this council that Jesus officially became Christ. His deity was ratified by what has become known as the Nicaean Creed:

“We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,eternally begotten of the Father,God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.”

The important point here is the fact, anytime you have to call everyone together to hammer out a statement of position, there had to have been some dispute. Clearly by the time of the Nicaean Council, the chain of custody of the message of Jesus had long been broken. While some would argue that this was a symptom of success, the practical reality was, this council was beginning the process of creating the message of Jesus. How do we know this? Because following the canonization of the texts put together by Eusebius of Caesarea the book burning began. The newly formed church began gathering up all other manuscripts and burning them. This is why the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were sealed in clay jars and buried in caves. All other documents, some giving an entirely different take on the story of Jesus had to go.

Biblical apologist will defend this indefensible action by claiming that these other documents were heretical. That is an easy charge to make in their absence. If you murder all the witnesses, your account is all that is left. Nevertheless, some documents did escape the purge. Biblical apologist will try and point to the similarities in the canonized texts in an attempt to prove the validity of their texts, but they ignore the differences. You cannot have it both ways. It amazes me that people are so ready to place their faith and ultimately their hope for eternal salvation in the hands of men they did not know, who had agendas and beliefs of which they are unaware who were under the control, direction and guidance of a pagan emperor who was not even baptized until he was on his deathbed.

How do we know that the original texts were edited, altered and added to? One of the most glaring examples of this can be found in the Gospel of Mark. The earliest manuscripts found all end at Mark 16:8. Some of your better study Bibles have a footnote stating something to the effect that other manuscripts of Mark have a different ending. The seminal question is whom wrote verses 9 – 20? Even the earliest manuscripts were approximately 200 years after Mark would have been dead. There are other problems with the Gospel of Mark. Whom ever wrote it obviously was not familiar with the geography of Galilee. Mark 7:31 has Jesus by passing the “Sea of Galilee” on his way to the “Sea of Galilee.” This is a mistake that Mark would not have made. It would be like my saying, “I sailed down the Mississippi River and into the “Grand Canyon.” Huh??? Anyone with a smattering of North American Geography knows that the Mississippi River goes nowhere near the Grand Canyon.

Here is another problem that a true witness to the life of Jesus would not have made. Ask any “Christian” how long Jesus was in the grave and you’ll get the answer, 3 days and 3 nights. Why is this? They’re quoting from Matthew 12:40 where Jesus reportedly says, “as Jonas was in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 nights, so shall the Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the Earth.” Yet, we have Jesus crucified on “Good Friday” and resurrected on “Easter Sunday Morning.” You do the math.

Yet another problem is, IF the Gospel of John existed and was known prior to the Nicaean Councils, it would have rendered half the agenda for the first council moot. Most of the first council was taken up by a debate over the nature of Jesus. Was he God? Was he Son? Was he the Logos – Word?” What does the very first chapter of the Gospel of John declare?

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  

2 The same was in the beginning with God.  

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.  

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.  

6 ¶There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.  

7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.  

8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.  

9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.  

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.  

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.  

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:  

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.  

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.  

15 ¶John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.  

16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.  

17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.  

18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

All that would have been needed would have been for anyone one of those 300 Bishops to take the floor and read those 18 verses. End of debate. Yet, at nowhere in the records of those councils do you have any such exchange or even an exchange containing the ideas expressed within those 18 verses. Why? You have two explanations. The first is, that Gospel had yet to be forge… WRITTEN! The second is equally as disturbing, all those would be journeymen, running around with the title of Bishop – note this was before there was an actual office of a Bishop – were not even aware of the rudimentary of documents or sacred writings of their faith. Why is this so important? The Bible that you read today and call “Holy” was put together by these men.

People do things for a reason. Those reasons are more profound usually when there is money involved or political gain to be had. Constantine was a pagan Sun worshiper. The “Cross” is a pagan Sun sign. The horizontal beam represents the Sun’s transit from East to West across the sky. The vertical beam represents the Sun’s rays coming down to touch the Earth. No follower of Jesus would ever sanctify the instrument of his execution. In point of fact, the symbol used by the early followers of Jesus was that of a fish. Do you think it a coincidence that Constantine, an avowed pagan Sun worshiper would just so happen pick a pagan Sun sign – the Cross – as the new emblem for the religion he was creating? Of course not. Why is it so important that Jesus be in the grave for 3 days and nights? If he was dead for one hour and resurrected, wouldn’t that be just as significant? Would his having only spent 1 day dead and in a grave have accomplished the same thing? Yet, hammered into all “true believers” is this notion of 3 days and 3 nights. Is there another reason for this?

As it turns out, there actually is! All Sun gods have these same attributes. They all are surrounded by 12 helpers. They all give life and perform miracles. They are all enemies of the Dark. They all fall and die for 3 days and 3 nights. They all are resurrected and are seen by all in the sky. Here are some more points:

  • The sun dies for three days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops in travels southward, to be born again (resurrected) on December 25th, when it continues its progress north.
  • In various areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo and the sun would consequently be perceived as being born of a ‘virgin’.
  • The sun is of course the ‘Light of the World.’
  • The sun ‘cometh on clouds and every eye shall see him.’
  • The sun rising in the morning is the ‘Saviour of mankind.’
  • The sun wears a corona, crown of thorns or ‘circle of light’ (halo).
  • The sun is seen to ‘walk on water.’
  • The sun’s follower’s helpers (disciples) are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun has to pass.
  • The sun at 12 noon is in the house/temple of the ‘Most High,’ consequently ‘he’ begins ‘his Father’s work’ at the age of 12.
  • The sun enters each sign of the zodiac at 30°; hence, the ‘Sun of God’ begins his ministry at the age of 30.
  • The sun is hung on a cross (crucified) which represents its passing through the equinoxes, the spring/vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then reborn.

From the stories of Isis, Osiris and Horus, to Mithra, to Krishna to Jesus, all these Sun gods have similar characteristics. Consider all the effort Constantine’s mother – Helena – put into identifying and verifying the stories of Jesus. Wouldn’t it have been odd for her not to ask about various important dates? The stories of the nativity of Jesus describe shepherds in the fields watching over their flocks at night. Consider, that area of the world is in the northern hemisphere. If Jesus were actually born in December, or for that matter, anytime during the winter months, flocks wouldn’t be grazing and shepherds would not have been in the fields. So we know there was a reason why Jesus’ birth was set on December 25th although he clearly wasn’t born around that date.

With the death of Judas, the Apostles numbered 11. In the first chapter of the book of Acts, the Apostles for some reason, seemed to feel that they needed to replace Judas and return their number to 12. Why? However, more importantly, why isn’t this mentioned in any of the Gospels? Jesus had multitudes following him. Clearly by the very presence and the statements made, Matthias and Barsabas had been followers of Jesus from the beginning. Read that again. They had been followers from the beginning. So, from the written account, Jesus had more than 12 Disciples. In fact, we have no idea how many Disciples Jesus had. So why the emphasis on only 12? Why was it necessary to return the number to 12 following the departure of Judas? Was this written in by design? Someone’s design?

Enter Saul:

Paul was simply the Greek name for Saul. In keeping with the sun god theme. You have the Sun and His 12 helpers. We encode this into your 12 month calendar year. We have the 12 signs of he zodiac. We have the 12 Disciples/Apostles, plus Jesus, makes 13. With the addition of Paul to this pantheon, we’re back at 13. Now we come to the question of what you truly believe. If you truly believe that the followers of Jesus were under Satanic attack, do you believe that Satan, probably the second most intelligent being in existence simply sat on his figurative hands? Remember, when he first made his appearance in the Garden of Eden story, he was described as being an extremely subtle entity. If you wanted to utterly destroy the Jesus movement, would it be best to do it from the inside? Or would it be best to do it from the outside?

Remember that Paul was a contemporary of Jesus. IF Jesus had wanted Paul as a follower, do you think Jesus could have found him and called him to discipleship? Of course he could have. Yet he did not. Jesus gave the “Keys” to Peter. Yet, Paul is credited with writing most of your “New Testament.” Why? It is Paul who sets in place the doctrine and dogma of the Christian Church. It is Paul who clearly changes the focus and in some cases the actual message of Jesus. Consider how salvation is wrought. Here is a classic example. In Luke 18:18 a “Certain Ruler” comes to Jesus and asks him what he must do to inherit eternal life. What does Jesus tell him? Jesus tells him first to keep all the Commandments. The Ruler says he has done so from his youth. Jesus then tells him there is only one more thing he needs to do, sell all that he has, distribute it to the poor and follow Jesus. The story records that the Ruler went away sorrowful. Why? Because he was very rich.

What does Paul have to say about salvation? In Ephesians 2:8, Paul says that ye are saved by grace, through faith, not of works. If the Rich ruler had simply waited until he met Paul, he could have kept all he had and had eternal life too. Both Paul and Jesus cannot be correct if they’re saying different things. The question is, whom are you going to believe? Whom are you going to follow? How could Paul be a true Apostle and teach a message different from Jesus? Again, your answers are in plain sight if you know where to look. Since Paul was not chosen by Jesus and sort of showed up claiming to be not only a follower but an Apostle, it is instructive to examine his credentials.

What do we know about Paul? We know that his original mission was to destroy the followers of Jesus and to extinguish the Jesus movement. Surprisingly, Paul claims to have had a meeting with Jesus which converted him. Could this possibly have happened? Anything is possible. However, since we already know that Paul’s mission was to destroy, perhaps it might be prudent to examine his testimony carefully. There are three accounts of Paul’s conversion experience. Not surprisingly, none of them agree. You can read them for yourself here:

  • Acts 9:1-12
  • Acts 22:6-12
  • Acts 26:12-18

Pay careful attention to the reactions of those with him who would have been his only witnesses. In the first recounting of his conversion experience, those who were with him, all stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no man. In the second telling of his conversion experience, the witnesses, saw a light, but heard no man. In the third and final rendition of his conversion experience, the witnesses all fall down and we don’t know if they saw or heard anything. It would seem to me that if Jesus appeared to you in person, at the very least, you’d be able to tell a consistent account of the event. Of course if you were making he whole thing up, you would probably tailor your account to fit your target audience.

In point of fact, Paul has a habit of not getting his story straight. Consider the accounts of his “Great Escape.” You may recall this story from Sunday School. It seems to be a favorite. It is the account of Paul escaping capture by being let down over a wall in a basket by a rope. It could almost be out of a James Bond movie. The only thing better would have been a story of him rappelling down the wall in three controlled leaps. You can read both accounts here:

  • Acts 9:23-25
  • II Cor. 11:32-33

In the first account, we are told that the Jews took council to kill Paul. In the second account we learn that it was a civil matter. The governor wanted to arrest him. Was the story altered to fit Paul’s target audience? If so, that would be what we call a LIE. Surprisingly enough, Paul admits to lying and is not ashamed about it.

II Cor. 12:16

“But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you with guile.”

Rom. 3:7

“For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?”

As it turns out, Paul did not deceive the true followers of Jesus. Read what God says about Paul in Revelations 2:1-2.

“1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;  

2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:”

Who claimed to be the Apostle to the Ephesian Church? Paul. In point of fact, you don’t have anyone other than Paul pushing his Apostleship on people. The true Apostles didn’t need to. The followers of Jesus were quite familiar with whom they were. Only Paul runs around declaring himself to be an Apostle. In Revelations 2, God is commending the Ephesian Church for rejecting Paul. Some Bible apologist will try and claim that this passage refers to some other persons unknown who were claiming to be Apostles. The trouble is, in none of the writings left to us, do we have any mention from any writers, including Paul, specifically addressing false Apostles.

The second point is, that the Ephesian Church rejected Paul. If there is any doubt, Paul himself in his letter to Timothy complains that “all Asia has rejected him.” (II Tim. 1:15)

Coming Full Circle

When you know where to look, the evidence of what was done becomes clear. Constantine was a Pagan Sun worshiper right up until he was baptized on his death bed. On his shield were inscribed the words, “Sol Invictus” which translates to, “The Conquering Sun.” Serapis was substituted for Jesus complete with the ready made iconography. When you close your eyes and picture Jesus, you are picturing the face of Serapis a man made created god. The attributes of Serapis are those of any one of a number of Sun gods. From the date of his birth to the story of his death and resurrection.

Your most Holy Book, the Bible, was edited, altered, massaged and created to comply with and enforce this myth. The documents of the early followers of Jesus were carefully selected for their ability to be edited to conform with this myth. Those that were deemed unusable were destroyed in a massive book burning campaign. What remains today is fruit from the poisonous tree. Yet, even with all that has been done to destroy the message, you can still find it’s essence in the simple passages.

Jesus said, there were only two commandments: Love God and Love your neighbor. When Jesus left, he promised to send a Comforter in His name that would lead and guide you into all truth. He didn’t promise to send you a Bible, a Pastor or a Preacher. When the Disciples entered the empty tomb, they did not find a copy of the “King James Version of the Bible” sitting atop a neatly folded “Shroud of Turin.” God wants a personal relationship with you. Not a relationship by proxy. Jesus’ mission was not to reinvent the Levitical Priesthood. He did not come to build a church of brick and mortar. He did not come to create a system that could be co-opted by power hungry men seeking to bleed the people of their resources.  It is time to wake up, grow up and get up. Read your Bible if you must, but know that the words contained therein, are not now, nor have they ever been “The Word of God.” The “Word of God is Jesus.” He’s not in a book. He resides in hearts. If you want to hear the “Word of God,” get quiet and listen.

Oh yeah, do take those crosses from around your necks. Jesus really finds those offensive. That picture that goes with this note? That’s a bust of Serapis. It’s not Jesus. Jesus would be the SON of God, not the Sun of God.