Hiding In Plain Sight – Homosexuality In The Church

homosexuality in the church headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Homoseuxality In The Church - Teething Biscuits

Remember these?

If you are reading this and consider yourself to be “straight,” I would like for you to do a little experiment with me. I want you to find a quiet place, calm your mind and think back. Think back as far as you are able. Try to recall your very earliest memories as a young child. What is the earliest birthday party you can remember? Perhaps your earliest memory is of a Christmas or a Holiday or some special event involving your parents. Were you given Pabulum as a young child? Perhaps you remember the slightly sweet taste of a teething biscuit?

While you’re time travelling through the memories in your mind, try and remember the day you decided to be “straight.” Can you do it? Was there some point in time where, if you’re male, you decided you were attracted to females? If you’re a female, was there some point in time you decided to be attracted to males? I have thought long and hard. I have plumbed my memories and I can remember events that happened before I was two years old. Try as I might, I cannot recall ever deciding to like females. Thus has it ever been. I have never been attracted to other men. I have always been attracted to females. It was never a choice. It was simply who I am.

When a person who is homosexual says to me, “I have always been attracted to the same sex,” I find it difficult to dispute them. My own personal experience doesn’t provide a foundation permitting me to make such an argument. No amount of fasting, prayer or restorative therapy will ever make me attracted to another man. Can’t be done. If your experiences are different, please leave a comment. I would like to hear from you.

Homosexuality In Nature

One of the main “non-Biblical” arguments against homosexuality is that it is unnatural. After all, in order to produce offspring, unless a species is capable of asexual reproduction, requires the mating of a male and female of the species. No argument there. Yet, homosexuality has been observed amongst a host of species. Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles and Amphibians. If it occurs in nature, it must be natural. To wit: If you believe that God created all things, you have unimpeachable evidence that God created homosexual creatures. If not, who did?

Misunderstanding The Sodom and Gomorrah Story

homosexuality in the church - Truth About Sodom

Wonder Why You Never Hear This In Church???

Homosexuality In The Church - Sodom and GomorrahAsk almost any “fundamentalist” Christian worth his salt, “why were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed,” and you’ll get the answer, “because of their homosexuality.”  It is a Bible story usually introduced in Sunday School. We have Abraham bargaining with God to save the city because of his nephew Lot. You have God sending his “Angels” to get Lot out of the city. You have the men of the city spotting the Angels and wanting to “know” them. Took me some years to fully understand exactly what that meant. You’ve got Lot his wife and daughters being rushed out of the city in the very nick of time. Lot’s wife looks back and gets turned into a “pillar of salt” and so on.

Homosexuality In The Church - Westboro Baptist Church

Child abuse?

All in all a very interesting story. The bottom line is, homosexuality is so bad, Almighty God came down to wipe not one, but two entire cities off the face of the earth. Even the act of looking back to see the devastation cost Lot’s wife her life. The term we use today for homosexual sex is “Sodomy” and comes directly from that story. Seems like case closed. God hates homosexuals and the Westboro Baptist Church is right! But what if our takeaway from that story is wrong? What if we’ve had it completely wrong for several 1,000 years?

[KJV] Ezekiel 16:49 
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”

What’s this? According to Ezekiel – he lived a lot closer in time than we do – says that homosexuality had nothing to do with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Were there homosexuals in Sodom? No doubt there were. There have always been homosexuals. There were homosexuals before the “Great Flood of Noah,” and there are homosexuals after the Flood right up to today. Homosexuality, at one time was a part of Greek culture. If God hated homosexuality, why didn’t he wipe out the Greeks?

Based on what Ezekiel says, God hates people who don’t show kindness and take responsibility for those less fortunate than them. In the Book of Matthew, Jesus gives his Disciples the “Cliffs Notes” for the final Judgement. He goes into quite a bit of detail on what all the nations will be judged on. You can read it in Matthew 25:31-46. Not once does a person’s religion or even whether or not they believe in God come up. In fact, none of the creeds or beliefs so important in distinguishing between the various Christian denominations seem to matter at all! What does matter is how you treated the poor, the hungry, the naked, the homeless, those in prison and the sick. Thus, according to Jesus, salvation is not based on saying “the sinner’s prayer.” It’s not based on joining a church or winning converts. It is certainly not based on how much money you give to a church!

Where Does The Hatred Of Homosexuality Come From?

[KJV] Leviticus 18:22 
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”

Homosexuality In The Church - Red Lobster

Gathering place for Saints after Sunday service

Seems pretty cut and dried doesn’t it? Thus sayeth the Lord God! Case closed! Those who believe the Bible always follow whatever God decrees right? Well, it seems there’s some wiggle room. For example, every Sunday around 3 pm, you can go to any Red Lobster Restaurant and you’ll see families dressed in their Sunday finest enjoying a meal together after having attended Sunday morning service. There’s nothing like a hot succulent lobster tail and a side of crab legs with some drawn butter. The only problem is, according to your Bible, eating shell fish is also an “abomination.”

[KJV] Leviticus 11:10 
And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

If we work on the theory that an abomination is an abomination, is one abomination worse than the other? Unless your preacher suffers from an allergy to shell fish, I can pretty much guarantee that he or she has enjoyed lobster and crab. Matter of fact, you may have actually been present with him or her and partaken of these abominations right along with them.

There are a lot of things the Bible forbids that you do everyday and think nothing of it. Do you wear clothes that are made from blended fabrics? Cotton and Wool? Do you have a home garden? Did you plant more than one vegetable in it? These things are forbidden by God.

[KJV] Leviticus 19:19 
¶Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.”

Homosexuality In The Church - Wool Blend Fabric

Nothing like a nice suit.

The same book in the Bible that calls homosexuality an abomination, also calls eating shell fish and abomination, forbids wearing garments made from blended fabrics and prohibits planting more than one type of vegetable in your garden. Go to your closet and check the tags on your clothes. More like than not, you’ve been sitting in church wearing fabrics that God forbids. You probably never gave it a second thought. However, when the subject of homosexuality is raised, you probably become righteously indignant! “Those people are going to Hell if they don’t stop what they’re doing and get right with God!” Question: “Are they going to the same Hell you’re going to for eating shell fish or wearing blended fabrics?”

Homosexuality In The Church

Where would the Church be without the contribution of Homosexuals? I spent the first 30 years of my life deeply ensconced in a fundamentalist, Pentecostal church. Let me add a bit of flavor to what that meant.

  • If you weren’t baptized – you were going to Hell.
  • If they didn’t say the right words when they baptized you – yep, Hell.
  • If you didn’t have the charismatic experience (speaking in tongues) – Hell.
  • If you went to a movie theater – you were going to Hell.
  • Women who wore make-up, jewellery, pants – going to Hell. (Seems women had quite a few prohibitions.)
  • If you didn’t pay your tithes (on your gross) – going to Hell.
  • If you went to dances (like you school prom) – yep, Hell.
  • If you listened to secular music (rock, jazz R&B) – ticket to Hell.
  • If you didn’t confess all your sins (masturbation included) – Hell.

I could go on, but I’m sure you get the picture. So needless to say, for the first 30 years of my life, I didn’t like homosexuals… at all! As far as I was concerned, they were demon possessed deviants whom you should keep your children away from at all costs. Of course, this created more than a little conflict because most of those whom I suspected were homosexual and many whom were confirmed as being homosexual later, were in the Church.

Homosexuality In The Church - Rev. James Cleveland

Rev. James Cleveland could bring a congregation to its feet

They were in the music department. They played the church organ or piano like nobody’s business and could bring the congregation to their feet or move them to tears. They sung in the choir and could lead a song that would almost cause you to see the sky roll back and offer a glimpse of heaven. They served on the “Usher Board” and in later years I discovered that some were in the pulpit preaching.

Because these people were “in the church,” I was duty bound to accept them. After all, clearly God had forgiven them and their past lives were “Under The Blood.” All their sins had been washed away – not their effeminate ways… clearly – but the behaviours were gone. At least that is the way things were supposed to work. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!

I knew of one gentleman whom if I called his name, some of my readers would know him. He got in church, married, raised a family, sung in the choir, was active on the usher board and then one year, he wrote his wife a 7 page letter and was gone. After years of being in the church, he had to acknowledge whom he truly was. The tragedy was, in his efforts to conform and become someone he was not, he took a wife and fathered children. They were devastated when he left.

Homosexuality In The Church - Jason Collins

Jason Collins

That is the other thing we don’t seem to talk about. NBA player Jason Collins came out as being Gay. That doesn’t bother me. However, imagine the surprise of his ex-fiancée! She dodged a bullet there! This is what happens when society – the Church included – demand that people conform to what we consider to be normal. People do try to fit in.  In their effort to fit in, many times they will get married thinking that this will change them. It does not. At this point, they’ve now brought someone else into their lives under misapprehension.

Homosexuality In The Church - Ted Haggard

“Pastor Ted” they called him.

Another example is Ted Haggard. Married with a family. Pastoring a thriving church and elected to lead the National Association of Evangelicals. Presumably he led many a person to Jesus Christ. Yet, he was living a lie. He was “bearing false witness” to whom he really is. It all fell apart and he lost everything when it came out that he had been having a three year sexual relationship with his masseuse who also had been supplying him with Crystal Methamphetamine. No doubt the psychological pain of trying to be someone he was not, caused the need to self-medicate.

Homosexuality In The Church - Bishop Eddie Long

Bishop Eddie Long

Bishop Eddie Long is another example of a prominent preacher’s fall from Grace. Bishop Long could fire up his congregation and have people falling out, knocking over seats and running to the altar ready for salvation. The man is gifted. He built New Birth Missionary Baptist Church from 300 members into what at one time was a 25,000 member “Mega-Church.” Married with children yet, hiding his homosexuality. It all came crashing down when 4 young men came forward charging that Bishop Long had been having sex with them. He had plied them with expensive gifts, cash money and trips. Forget about his church and congregation for a moment, imagine how his wife and children must have been shattered. Again, another example of someone “bearing false witness” to whom they truly are.

Bishop Carlton Pearson is another example of how homosexuality can affect a ministry. I have heard nothing that indicates to me that Bishop Pearson is Gay or even has those tendencies. His problem is that after reading and studying his Bible, he concluded that the Church has had it wrong for 2,000 years. He was branded a heretic because he began teaching that nobody is going to Hell. He calls this “The Gospel of Inclusion.” What? No Hell??? How will the Church make any money?

Homosexuality In The Church - Bishop Carlton Pearson

Bishop Carlton Pearson. Ostracised because he wouldn’t put Gay people in Hell?

After being kicked out of the church he had been affiliated with and losing everything, a church that ministered to homosexuals asked him to come. This church wasn’t ministering to homosexuals from the standpoint of telling them they were going to Hell or living in sin. They were ministering to them from the standpoint of validating their humanity and reinforcing to them that God loved them equally. Bishop Pearson’s ministering to them was equivalent to burning his bridges with the Pentecostal fundamentalist organizations he was a member of. Heretic for life! 

[KJV] Luke 5:31 
And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.

The peculiar thing is, if one believes that homosexuality is an anathema to God, shouldn’t the Church be reaching out to them in a loving and effective way? Clearly the Church hasn’t been real successful in curing homosexuality. Possibly because it isn’t a disease? Of course, they haven’t made much progress in getting Preachers to stop eating lobster and crab either.

Homosexuality In The Church - Lobster and Crab Legs

A Succulent Feast?

[KJV] Jude 1:24 
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,”

Homosexuality In The Church - Pastor Donnie McClurkin

Pastor and Recording Artist Donnie McClurkin

The case of Pastor Donnie McClurkin is interesting. Pastor McClurkin has shared his testimony of being healed by the power of God from being homosexual. In his youth he was the victim of homosexual sexual molestation. Evidently this caused him to become a homosexual for a period of time. Then, praise God, he met Jesus and Jesus cured him of his homosexuality. Pastor McClurkin is one of those people who can sing you into heaven. He even moves me and that’s saying something! One of his biggest hits as a Gospel Recording Artist is a song called, “We Fall Down But We Get Up.” He sings that song with the power and the feeling that in my opinion only comes from experience. When he sings about falling down, I have no idea what is in his mind as he sings it, all I know is he’s not singing from theory. He’s singing from the depths of his experience.

Pastor McClurkin at the time of this writing is not married. Perhaps being married is not his calling…

It’s Time For The Church To Come Out Of Its Closet

Homosexuality In The Church - Lost Man

Before you can get someone “saved” you must first get them lost!

Homosexuality in the Church is almost guaranteed by the way the “Plan Of Salvation” is presented. I’m speaking from the perspective of a man. “Before you can get someone saved, you must first get them lost.” Not only lost, but you have to convince males of their own inadequacy to cope with life’s problems. Whether true or false, it is the nature of men to embrace at their core, the belief in their own self-sufficiency. A man in order to survive must believe in his own self-reliance. His ability to protect himself and those he loves.

Homosexuality In The Church - House HusbandIn order to convince a man of the need for salvation, the Church must tear this down. It must convince a man that he is not self-sufficient, that he is lost and does not know the way to where he wants to go. In essence to get a man “saved” the Church must first emasculate him. The men most susceptible to this are those men who already possess a fragile sense of their own masculinity. The message of the Church resonates with this type of man more powerfully than it resonates with men who are comfortable in their own masculinity. Thus it should be no surprise that so many men in the Church – those who were not brought up in the Church – are often struggling with their sexuality.

Homosexuality In The Church - Catholic Church Scandal

Jesus loves the little children doesn’t mean what the Catholic Church thinks it means.

When we attempt to suppress our nature, the pressure continues to build until we finally explode. Often this explosion causes much more damage and devastation than had we simply embraced whom we are in the first place. The Catholic Church is dealing with a veritable plague of paedophile priest. They’ve added to their problem by taking the position that their priest must remain celibate.  Thus they’re attracting men to their priesthood who are comfortable not being married. What could possibly go wrong?

[KJV] Proverbs 19:9 
A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.”

Homosexuality In The Church - Lab Coat and Stethoscope

If my wearing these made you think I was a doctor, you’d be deceived.

When people attempt to portray themselves as other than what they truly are – no matter how well intended – they are bearing a false witness to those around them. They are lying in word and or in deed regarding whom they truly are. I have never even darkened the hallway of a medical school. If I went out and purchased a white lab coat and bought a stethoscope, I might look the part of a medical doctor. However, if you came to me for advice to cure an ailment, even though the advice I gave might be sound, you would still be taking your life into your hands. Eventually, my charade would catch up with me… most probably at the expense of some poor soul who put their trust in the fact that I looked like a doctor.

So, what can be done about homosexuality in the Church? First, let us admit that it is present. Denial is not a river in Africa. The Church only has two choices that I can see. It either must purge itself of all homosexuals – in essence launch a modern inquisition – or it must embrace them and allow them to be whom they are openly. The first option will undoubtedly result in the destruction of the Church. The second option leaves open the possibility that if God changes people, then God will change them in his own time and his own way. I can imagine little worse than a person who is homosexual joining a church and believing themselves to be “cured,” getting married and starting a family only to realize that they are actually still a homosexual.

Strong Delusion – Black People, Their Churches and Their Clergy

The Way of the Slave. Many are still on that path.

by Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

“We grant you [Kings of Spain and Portugal] by these present documents, with our Apostolic Authority, full and free permission to invade, search out, capture, and subjugate the Saracens and pagans and any other unbelievers and enemies of Christ wherever they may be, as well as their kingdoms, duchies, counties, principalities, and other property […] and to reduce their persons into perpetual slavery.” __Papal Bull from Pope Nicholas V in 1452 known as the Dum Diversas

For the first time in recorded human history, it became possible to become a slave in perpetuity. Chattel Slavery was born. Prior to that Slavery wasn’t for life. Slaves had rights, could own property, buy their freedom early and knew their release dates.

In 1492 Columbus was going to discover a “new world” and the market in human misery was going to explode. Africans in particular were going to become an expendable and replaceable commodity. During the 400 plus years slavery was practiced in the “Americas,” by conservative estimates, 100 million Africans would lose their lives between the point of capture but before they made it to the auction blocks. This was the greatest holocaust in recorded human history.

Think about all of the issues our returning soldiers face when returning home. The things they’ve seen, the things they’ve done have consequences that many times require years of therapy under the care of a trained psychologist. Only a true socio-path is immune to human suffering. To be sure many slave traders were socio-paths, not all were. These people needed some way to compartmentalize what they were doing. They needed some way to rationalize what they were doing to their fellow human beings.

Some convinced themselves that Africans were “sub-human.” They told themselves that Africans were just a little above animals. This may have salved their consciences… until they began raping African women. Having sex with animals is a mortal sin. This undoubtedly created a continual state of cognitive dissonance. Other’s convinced themselves they were “missionaries.” Sure they were enslaving the bodies of Africans, but they were also exposing them to Christianity thereby saving their immortal souls.

Christianity was the perfect religion for their dirty job. The Christian Bible is rife with passages that speak of being a servant or pleasing God by pleasing your “master.”   If Slaves could be Christianized and learn to accept Slavery as their God ordained station in life, it would serve to pacify them. The plan was simple. Make the Slaves believe that the only true God was the Christian God. Make them believe that this God was all powerful. Make them believe that this God was watching over them and by extension it was his will that they be Slaves.

To this end, Slaves were robbed of their culture, their languages and their names. They were given good Christian names. They were not allowed to speak their own languages. Families frequently were broken up with children being sold off so they could not pass on their culture in secret. It was a diabolically, insidious system of control.

Praise House

There were no unions for slaves. They worked from sun up to sun down. The only day they did not have to work was on Sunday. At first white people allowed the slaves to enter their churches to hear the “Gospel.” Of course that didn’t last long because children will be children. Young children who had not yet learned to hate, no doubt began playing together. The solution was to build slave churches. These were places, usually on plantations where slaves were allowed to attend Sunday services. They had their own Black Preachers, many who could not read, but who could recite the stories they’d been told. They were allowed to go to the white church and listen to the sermon, then go and relate that sermon to the Slaves.

John Jasper – Slave Preacher from Virgina

Being a Black preacher was the first opportunity to have an officially recognized position in white society. You were viewed as being better than and above the other Slaves. You were a safe Negro. You had embraced turning the other cheek, non-violence and more importantly, the position that prayer and supplication to God would eventually solve your problems and the problems of your people. So long as you were praying and leading others to pray, all was good. The simple fact is, Black people believed more in the white Jesus than white people did.

It is difficult to resolve the teachings of Jesus with the practices required to sustain a Slave culture. Beatings, lynchings, rapes, murder, paedophilia, buying and selling humanity. Breaking up families for a profit, working people literally to death are inconsistent with what Jesus taught. Yet it was from the people who did these things that Black people were given Christianity. It seems fair to wonder if white people actually read their Bible before they started passing them out?

Nevertheless, Slaves embraced Christianity. Getting some time off on Sundays no doubt has something to do with why Sunday services in Black Churches last so long. As Slaves, you didn’t want your time in church to end. When church was over it was back to the fields. Why are Black church services are so frenetic and energetic? If you’re dragging out a service, the “Massah” was bound to come to see what was taking so long. They had to make him believe that they were totally consumed with spiritual ecstasy. Convulsing on the floor in the “Spirit,” whooping and hollering were essential theatrics in making the service last as long as possible. The Slaves revered their Black preacher because he was able to work the system for their benefit.

Civil Rights Movement

Rather than dealing with us, white people as always, were much more comfortable dealing with their designated go betweens, the “Black Clergy.” You hear these code words today if you’re paying attention. How many times have you heard a pundit use this phrase whenever the subject turns to Black issues, “Black leaders say…?” Have you ever heard an issue addressed where the phrase, “White leaders” is used? “Asian leaders?” “Hispanic leaders?” The only other group where ethnic leadership is even remotely referenced are Native Americans. Native Americans also experienced near genocide at the hands of white people. Coincidence?

During the “Civil Rights Movement” it was quite natural that the prominent leaders of the movement were members of the Black Clergy. They had taken a system set in place for control of Black people and used it to defeat that very system. White people never expected the non-violent protests of Martin King, Jr. to be effective on other white people. Turn the other cheek? Really? In the face of police

Martin meets Malcom

dogs, fire hoses and billy clubs? The miracle was that it did work!

Malcom’s message of “self-reliance” and nation building caused him to be seen as a threat. Black people building their own businesses and communities, following a different religion, and by no means adopting non-violence as a code was the white man’s nightmare. In point of fact, it was the old “good cop – bad cop” approach. Malcom was preaching “By Any Means Necessary!” Martin was preaching “Passive Resistance!” Together they offered a difficult choice and posed one helluva problem! It is not surprising that both were assassinated under mysterious circumstances we have yet to reach the bottom of to this day.

Not only had white people been paying attention to the power these men wielded, Black people were paying attention too. Some coveted this power, but not to empower Black people. When power becomes an end in its self, corruption always results!

How far we’ve fallen

[KJV] II Thessalonians 2:11,12
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Today we have a proliferation of Black Clergy. In the Black community you will find a church on one corner and a liquor store on the other. Both are selling “spirits” just under a different name. Being a Black preacher is an easy route to a respected career with professional standing. It does not require a college education and the rewards can be staggering if you have the gift of gab. If you want a title? Confer one upon yourself. Print your business cards and people will begin calling you by whatever title you’ve chosen.

Black people have been conditioned from 400 plus years of slavery to need religion and to want a leader to follow. They will accept almost anyone who offers to fill that void. It is not my position that all Black Clergy have malicious intent. A good many of them are sincere and have convinced themselves that they are carrying out a “calling” on their lives.

There are two types of Black Clergy that concern me. You need to be wary of both of them. The first are purely out for financial gain. For them it’s all about the “Benjamins.” Fine house, expensive car, lifestyles of the rich and famous. They live by the 11th Commandment, “he who dies with the most toys wins!”

Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr.

The second are much more insidious and a lot more dangerous. These people quite often do have a college degree. They have a vision which they are adept at selling to their gullible followers. For them, religious faith is a tool they define and redefine in order to manipulate and control the behaviour of those in their “flocks.” What they’ve discovered is, one of the quickest ways to notoriety, financial gain and fame is to become the mouthpieces for white people whom because of the racial history of this nation, find it politically incorrect to publicly proclaim the racist stereotypes of the past.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Issues like affirmative action, welfare, “State’s Rights,” absentee fathers, children being born out of wedlock, if I put together a program wherein I dealt with these issues from the stereotypical white perspective, I could have my own radio talk show by next week. “Black people need to try harder!” “They need to apply themselves in school!” “The ‘playing field’ is now level!” Ignore the realities of poverty, red-lining, underfunded inner city schools, racial targeting by law enforcement and all the other realities that comprise the Black experience in America. Speak in support of the agenda of that segment of society composed of racist white people and they will find a platform for you to preach from. What’s more, the money will roll in.

Pastor James David Manning

We now have a crop of these shills running around like apostles to the Black community. Self-appointed and self-anointed. They’ve tailored their message to resonate with religious ideology of the Black community. If you show a Black person something written in their Bible, suddenly it has the weight of All Mighty God! Most don’t know enough about their Bibles to place the passage in context. They don’t know enough about their Bibles to know about contradicting passages. Everybody knows that God parted the “Red Sea” during the “Exodus.” What most do not know is that the actual Greek calls it a “Sea of Reeds” or a marshy place. “Red Sea” is a mistranslation.


2000 Census Chart

This wedge issue is quite popular. Who doesn’t love babies? I had a Black preacher tell me that abortion was the “black holocaust!” She went on to say that “millions of Black babies are aborted every year!” Her point was, I shouldn’t vote for President Obama because he supported a woman’s right to choose. Fortunately, she was talking to a “critical thinker.”

2009 Incarceration Rates in the U.S.

With all those “Baby Mamas” running around, it just doesn’t seem likely that a lot of Black babies are being aborted. In point of fact, in spite of “open season” being declared on Black males by our judicial system – 40% of the 2,300,000 people in our prisons are Black – our population is actually growing. We were only 12% of the population and we’re now nearing 13%. This is in competition with all that “illegal immigration” they keep whining about. No, I really don’t think abortion is a Black problem.

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood

To be sure, the original plan of the “American Eugenics Movement” as imported from Nazi Germany by Margaret Sanger, was to control and reduce the population of “undesirables” in the United States. In particular, she was after the Negro race. She founded “Family Planning” – an innocuous sounding name – and “Centers” sprang up in poor, depressed minority communities all around the United States. All was good and nobody said a word.

In 1973 with the passage of Roe v. Wade, they were off to the races. Literally! All was good and going according to plan, up until the mid 1980’s when the “bean counters” did a study and discovered something appalling. More white babies were being aborted than black and other minority babies. According to their projections, white people would be a minority in the United States by the year 2050. Panic set in. Something had to be done. This is when abortion was sold to the “Religious Right” and it became “America’s Sin!” All of this was before, they became concerned with “illegal immigration.”

The Black Clergy in the timeless question of the “House Slave” were now asking, “Massah, is we sick?” Forgive my schadenfruede, but when a weapon formed against me, blows up in the face of my enemy? I am not likely to rush to his side to render aid. No Massah, we ain’t sick, but you are!

Gay marriage

This is another manufactured wedge issue. It is interesting to note, that Jesus never once said anything about homosexuality as recorded in the Gospels. How could he have made such an oversight given all the furor over homosexuality today? He could have slipped it into “The Sermon on the Mount.” How about, “Blessed are those who hate Gays, for they shall inherit a righteous society?”

Black Choir Getting Down

The facts are, Gays are essential to the Black Church. They sing in and direct the choirs. They are the musicians that play that funky gospel sound that whips the congregation into a frenzy. And yes, without them, those tithes and offerings that the Black Clergy love to reap would be significantly less. When that lovely young man with that high falsetto moves you to tears, your wallet opens. This is no longer, “Massah is we sick?” This is “Massah, you want us be sick for you?

I fully understand people making the biblical case for morality. Although, basing morality on the Bible can be problematic. For instance, is there anybody who believes ordering the slaughter of nursing infants is moral? Perhaps this is why abortion isn’t mentioned in the Bible?

Send in the clowns

[KJV] Matthew 7:4,5
4  Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5  Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

Since the Black Clergy has decided to interject morality into political decisions, it only seems fitting that we take a peek into their skeleton filled closets. After all, if you’re going to tell me that the person I vote for needs to be a paragon of moral virtue and hew to the values of the Christian Bible, perhaps I should take a close look at you?

Eddie Long

Eddie – somebody done somebody wrong – Long

What can you say about the disgraced pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia? He really gives those paedophile Catholic Priests a run for their money. While he stuck closely to the “letter of the law” by waiting until his prey – like fruit ripening on the vine – were of legal age, in point of fact, he began grooming them in his “Long Fellows Academy” for young men, while they were mere children.

Thus, not only do we have homosexuality, we have it with under aged children. Remember, the age of consent in Georgia is not the same for other States. Had he done the same in New York he’d be sitting behind bars for the rest of his unnatural life. Question: How much did you hear from the Black Clergy denouncing Eddie Long? Plenty of “let’s hold him up in our prayers,” not much denouncement. Evidently, the Bible applies to pastors differently?

Creflo Dollar

The Two Faces of Dr. Dollar

High Priest of Prosperity, the Reverend Doctor Creflo Dollar is not used to hearing “no.” What’s worse, when he makes a decree, not only does he expect it to be obeyed, you’d better act like you’re elated! This is particularly true if you happen to be one of his children. Evidently Dollar’s 15 year old daughter had been planning on going to a party over the weekend. Dollar told her that because of her grades, she could not attend the party as she’d been planning. So far, I have no problem with this. I’d even go so far as to call this good parenting. We need more of it.

What happened next was entirely uncalled for. Not just by any parent, but especially in the case of a “man of God.” When his daughter turned and walked into the next room crying, this enraged Dollar. He followed her and according to the police reports, slapped her and assaulted her. Really? What should a disappointed 15 year old girl have done differently?

Did you hear any of the Black Clergy weigh in on this? I didn’t. The Bible is full of aphorisms on how we ought to conduct ourselves. “Do violence to no man” comes to mind.

Noel Jones

Bishop Noel Jones and “Baby Mama” Stacy Francis from the X-Factor

Yet another Pentecostal Bishop and pastor of a mega-church seems to have a problem keeping his pants zipped. The Bible is quite clear about sex outside of marriage. Fornication, adultery, lying, murder and idolatry – worshipping money? – are all sins that will send you to the same Hell. There is no “Hell-lite” for lessor sins. Every sin gets the same treatment according to the Bible.

Charismatic Bishop Noel Jones has used his fame to gain access to women who were vulnerable and seeking spiritual advice. Under the doctrine of “fair exchange being no robbery,” while he was ministering to their spiritual needs, they were ministering to his physical needs. Every so often there is a “parting gift.” “X-Factor Star,” Stacy Francis received just such a gift. She now has the select distinction of being Noel Jones’ “Baby Mama.” Have you heard any of the Black Clergy speak out on this? I haven’t.

Jamal Bryant

Jamal – I love my Bentley – Bryant

Following in the footsteps of his betters, Jamal Harrison Bryant is yet another example of mega-church pastor who cannot seem to keep his private parts out of his cash drawer. It must be painful. I know it was painful for his wife. She’s sitting on the front pew as the “first lady” and the 17 year old girl her husband is sleeping with is sitting on a pew behind her. How much is enough? Money, fame, beautiful wife and you’re looking over your wife’s shoulders at your next score. Have you heard any of the Black Clergy speak out against this? Nope! Silence so deafening you can hear a pin drop.

Zachary Tims

Zachary Tims

While I’d never speak ill of the dead – well, I would under certain circumstances – it is quite common for the untimely ends of famous people to work their way into sermons as a “cautionary tale. “We now turn to rising evangelical star, Zachary Tims. Mega-church pastor, young, attractive, frequent spots on the “TBN Network,” it all came crashing down when he was found dead in a hotel in New York on August 12, 2011. He was found on the floor with a packet of white powder in the pocket of his shorts.

While the family successfully went to court to keep the toxicology reports sealed until 2013, the evidence is fairly obvious. Police are wondering if there may have been a sexual encounter? Once again, I have not heard so much as a peep from the Black Clergy.

[KJV] I Peter 4:17 
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

My message to all those Black Preachers who have suddenly discovered their moral fortitude? Before you conflate the job of President of these United States with being “Pastor in Chief,” get the skeletons out of your own damn closets! I can’t hear you over the tremendous din from all those bones rattling around.

You Might Be Following A Judas Goat

At the slaughter house where sheep are processed, there is a goat

The Judas Goat at Work.

known as “The Judas Goat.” The Judas Goat’s job is to lead groups of sheep into the slaughter house where they are killed. Sheep have the peculiar habit of following any member of their herd who seems to know where to go. The Judas Goat is placed within the herd. It grazes with the herd, rubs shoulders with the herd and in all respects acts as though it is one of the herd. It is accepted by the herd. At the appointed time, it leads the herd to the slaughter. To be sure, eventually the Judas Goat will end up on a spit slowly roasting over the fires at a Greek restaurant being carved up for gyros. However, that is small consolation for all the sheep who willingly followed in his treacherous footsteps.

It seems the work of the Judas Goat is so effective it has been adapted to work on people. Just look around. During the last Presidential primaries, when Barack Obama was running against Hillary Clinton, Black pundits began pouring out of the woodwork in support of Hillary Clinton. Tavis Smiley embarrassed himself to the point he has not yet recovered. His purpose? To lead Black voters into the Clinton camp. At a time when all Black people should have rallied around one of their own, suddenly we were inundated with Black leaders – whom we had not elected – filling the airways to share their opinionated wisdom.

The networks dusted off faces I hadn’t seen in years. For a season, diversity was back on our televisions. This time it wasn’t “sit-coms.” Almost any network you watched, you could be sure of seeing several Black faces giving articulate opinions about the day’s events. I found it to be a refreshing change. However, it was not lost on me that over half of my newly discovered brothers and sisters were being used to further an agenda that was not my own. Obama won because of racism. Not the racism of Black people, we only make up 12% of the population. Obama won because of the racism of white people. The Republican war machine was all geared up to face Hillary Clinton. They had attack ads sitting on the shelf ready to go. They just knew Hillary Clinton would be whom they’d be facing in the general election.  After all, what were the odds that a relative unknown – dark horse literally – with a funny sounding name like Barack Hussein Obama would win in the primaries against the Clinton political machine? Did I mention that he’s Black? This is the United States of America founded on a history of Slavery. As far as they were concerned, there wasn’t a chance in the world he could win. They were caught flat footed with their britches around their ankles.

With the election of President Obama, the Republicans decided they needed their own magic Black man. Of course, from their racist perspective, we’re all the same. To this end, they elected Michael Steele and we all know how that’s turned out for them. In two words, NOT WELL! Nevertheless, Michael Steele is a Judas Goat. His primary purpose is to lead Black people away from President Obama. There is nothing in the Republican platform that benefits Black people, other minorities or poor White people. As a matter of fact, if you do not have a net worth of at least 3 million dollars and an income in the high 6 figures, the Republican party doesn’t represent you. But I digress.

Judas Goats are pervasive in our society. Most commercials and ads contain Judas Goats. From the kindly old couple sitting around the table discussing health care myths, to the 3 hicks sitting in a diner sharing their opinions on high level economic issues. They all have one purpose and that is to lead people to vote against their own interests. Judas Goats may even be in your church pulpit.

Knowing how to recognize a Judas Goat is necessary for your survival. It always ends poorly for those who follow Judas Goats. Being informed is of paramount importance. The first thing you need to know is where your best interests lie. I am amazed at how many people have been deceived into supporting Republican tax polices. Most of these people, comparatively speaking, aren’t really paying any taxes. The simple facts are, the poorer you are, the more you tend to rely on the goods and services provided by tax dollars. Poor people are more likely to live in high crime areas. They are more likely to have homes who’s wiring is such that fires are likely. They often drive vehicles that don’t get around well in the snow, so they need their streets plowed. Those who do drive pick-up trucks often live in rural areas where even with 4 wheel drive, plowing the roads is still necessary. The poor quite often have little to no health insurance, so their primary care physician is whomever is the first doctor they see at the emergency room. Yet, because they’ve been duped into following a Judas Goat, you see them at “Tea Party” rallies railing against the very policies designed to benefit them the most. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic.

When it comes to the church, particularly in the Black community, you have multi-million dollar edifices built and sustained by congregations who’s median incomes are barely above the poverty level. If you’re in a church and you know members in good standing who’s homes have been foreclosed on, and the church didn’t come to their aid, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If your pastor lives in another county from the church because that is where the high dollar real estate is, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If on Sunday morning, you can pick out the pastor’s car not just because of the monogrammed parking spot, but because it is the most expensive car on the lot, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If in order for you to be a member or your church, you have to submit copies of your W-2 form, you’re following a Judas Goat. If the deacons, trustees, elders and auxiliary heads of your church also happen to be the most financially successful members of the church, you’re following a Judas Goat. If your pastor has to have an entourage of “armor bearers” doing everything from carrying his /her brief case to helping them dress, you’re following a Judas Goat. If you’ve been contributing to the building fund for the past 10 years and the church hasn’t built a thing, you’re following a Judas Goat. It might be time for you to come up out of the slaughter house.

God gave you a brain and the gift of reason. Don’t insult God by not using your gifts. Don’t just ask yourself what would Jesus do? Ask yourself, what would LOVE DO! The Bible says, “your bodies are the temple of God.” It also says that God does not dwell in temples made by men’s hands. The church was intended to be God’s store house for the benefit of the people in their time of need. It was never intended to be the private game preserve of a pastor or his ministerial staff. The trouble is, most ministries benefit the pastor and the church more than they benefit the community.

I have an acquaintance whom prior to the crash of he housing market, was making in excess of 300 thousand dollars a year. He was a devoted and faithful member at his church. He was a devout tither. This of course put him in line to be an official at his church. For over 5 years he tithed in excess of 30 thousand a year. This doesn’t include offerings and other monetary contributions. When the housing market crashed, he lost everything. He was married with two small children. The bank repossessed his Mercedes and his BMW. He needed 5 thousand dollars to save his home. He went to his pastor and explained the situation to him. He told him of his need. He had no one else to turn to. All he needed was 5 thousand dollars. This was the same church that over the course of the previous 5 years he’d given over 150 thousand dollars. What do you think the pastor did? The pastor told him that he would pray with he and his wife that God would deliver them. They lost their home. He had to move in with his mother-in-law. Because of he stress on the marriage he wound up getting divorced. Do you think he’d been following a Judas Goat? Well, he certainly got slaughtered.

The Hijacking of Jesus

The story I’m about to tell you is absolutely true. It has always been known by an inner circle of powerful people and generally kept from the masses. The reality is, this truth has been hiding in plain site for well over 2,000 years. The truth can be a very dangerous thing. That is why it is most often guarded by a battalion of lies. Most of you have never heard this. Most of you will refuse to believe it. Some will do the research merely looking for a way to refute this truth. The thing about truth is, whether you believe it or not, once you’re exposed to it, it changes you. If you are unable to handle truth, stop reading now. If on the other hand you want to know, I have a story to tell you.

This story begins with a very famous Greek who conquered the then known world. His name was Alexander of Macedon. He is better known from history as Alexander the Great. While this story begins with him, it is not about him. The story is actually about one of his generals by the name of Ptolemy. Alexander practiced a form of conquest that was focused more on acquisition than destruction. What he did after he conquered a land, was install a governor, make those people a part of his empire and of course, tax them. The Romans learned from and followed Alexander’s example.

It should come as no surprise, after conquering Egypt, Alexander installed a governor and moved on. The governor that Alexander installed, was one of his favorite generals a man by the name of Ptolemy. It is important to note, that at that time – circa 300 BC – the only Europeans were either Greek or Roman. This is important to note because it means that the people who lived in Egypt, the Egyptians were Black Africans. All the great pyramids had already been built. All the great temples, the Sphinx all the wonders in Egypt had already been built before any Europeans stumbled into the Nile Valley. In point of fact, Egypt had already reached the pinnacle of it’s civilization and was in decline. This is important to note because many modern revisionist historians refuse to recognize the accomplishments of the Africans. The Jews have tried to take credit in their mythologies, but as usual get their stories wrong. A trip to Egypt and a simple inspection will prove that nothing from that period was built out of mud bricks made with straw. The Egyptians built in stone. And of course, now there is the “Alien Connection.” Some are saying that ancient visitors from outer space came down and did all the construction. It seems anything is more believable than Africans having built and left such a legacy. But I digress.

Ptolemy had a problem. In order to rule Egypt, he had to become Pharaoh of Egypt. The Pharaoh was considered to be a living god. Sure, you could try and rule by force alone. However, a culture as mature and developed as the Egyptians would be very difficult to rule by force of arms. If you think about it, our modern army the most modern and powerful fighting force yet to exist on this planet, has been unable to pacify the primitive nation of Afghanistan. You reach a point, where military might will not take you to the resolution you desire. What Ptolemy needed was to find someone to make him a god. Egypt was full of various religious denominations however the only group that would agree to his demands were the Coptic priests. In order to rule, Ptolemy had to become the supreme god, over and above all other Egyptian gods. The Coptics had just the ticket. They combined the essence of Osiris with Apis the bull and created a god called Serapis.

This new god was supreme and over all other gods. It possessed the form of a man and was depicted with an overflowing cup upon his head. Often around his head were depicted sprouting branches. Serapis gave life by pouring his essence or anointing from the cup that sat atop his head. This anointing was called the Christos. The priesthood who served Serapis became known as the Bishops of the Christos or Bishops of Christ.

“A correspondence of Emperor Hadrian refers to Alexandrian worshipers of Serapis calling themselves ‘Bishops of Christ’:

‘Egypt, which you commended to me, my dearest Servianus, I have found to be wholly fickle and inconsistent, and continually wafted about by every breath of fame. The worshipers of Serapis (here) are called Christians, and those who are devoted to the god Serapis (I find), call themselves Bishops of Christ.’

–Hadrian to Servianus, 134A.D. (Quoted by Giles, ii p86)”

Historical Context.

You are no doubt familiar with a rather famous Egyptian Queen by the name of Cleopatra. What most people do not know is that there were several Queens named Cleopatra. In point of fact, the one we’re going to focus on is the one who was married to Julius Caesar and then later to Marc Antony. She was Cleopatra VII. She was the several generations – nearly 300 years – a great granddaughter of Ptolemy Soter. (The study of salvation through Jesus is called soteriology) Following the death of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony and Octavian went to war for control of the Roman Empire. We’ve all seen the story of Cleopatra committing suicide by embracing the poisonous asps. The dreams of the star crossed lovers ended when Marc Antony was defeated and killed by Octavian making Octavian sole emperor of Rome. What most people do not know is that upon becoming emperor, Octavian took on the name Augustus. Yes, the same Caesar Augustus that figures so prominently in the Christmas story.

It is important to have some historical context when placing events and understanding their meanings. This is the time into which Jesus was born. Rome was consolidating it’s power under Augustus. Because of this instability some of the nations under the control of Rome began testing Rome’s resolve. Why did the Angels sing “Peace on Earth?” Because there wasn’t any. The Jewish people were looking for a messiah that would liberate them from Roman rule.

We all are familiar with the story of Jesus. He travels, preaches, develops a following and is crucified. His followers carry on his mission. At that time, being a follower of Jesus was not a spectators sport. Being a follower of Jesus could get you killed. The Romans would kill you for being a member of a group that wanted to overthrow of Rome. The orthodox Jews didn’t like you because you were antagonistic to their authority and control. They considered you to be heretics. This presented a problem for the early followers of Jesus which can be seen from the archaeological record. The followers of Jesus built hidden and concealed gathering places to worship. They used coded symbols, most prominently the symbol of a fish. Notice I have not referred to the followers of Jesus as “Christians.” The reason is quite simple. They didn’t refer to themselves as Christians.

Christians 2.0

In spite of persecution, the message carried by the followers of Jesus seemed to flourish. The truth of his teachings seemed to strike a chord in the hearts of the people who heard them. The Jesus movement grew. Although there is some historical evidence for followers of Jesus being crucified, used for entertainment and sport in the Roman arenas and Colosseum, in spite of this, the movement continued to grow. It grew to the point that it attracted the attention of the mother of a Roman general named Constantine. Her name was Helena. Helena was not one to go halfway. She dived into the story of Jesus and his followers as avidly as some await the next installment of Harry Potter or the Twilight series. She went to the “Holy Lands” and basically asked anyone she met, where some pivotal event occurred. Where was Jesus born? There was no way to know whether or not the person she was asking actually had any idea. Nevertheless, whatever she was told, she placed an imperial marker and that place became the official site. Churches were built wherever these markers were placed and they have become the official sites that people go to and revere today.

Now we come to the matter of what you believe. If you believe that there has been an evil force – Satan – out to destroy the followers of Jesus, what do you think it has been doing? At first the plan seemed to have been to scatter the followers of Jesus. That didn’t work because wherever they went, they took his teachings with them and the message spread. Oppression simply wasn’t effective. The more oppressed, the more the movement grew. A change in strategy was in order. If you can’t beat them, join them. There is a saying that goes, “if we can name it we can tame it.” The first thing done was to give the followers of Jesus a name. They were called Christians. It was a nice fit. The iconography was already there. The budding branches around the head of Serapis morphed into a crown of thorns. The cup atop the head of Serapis became a halo. The image of Jesus became one and the same as that of Serapis.

Of course the message changed. Jesus said to Roman soldiers who asked what they needed to do to gain eternal life, “do violence to no man.” Constantine, claimed – like Paul – to have had a vision. His vision was of a cross floating in the sky. A voice spoke to him telling him to go and conquer under this sign. The story goes, that Constantine won his battle and Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine thought that having a universal religion would help to unite the Empire. To this end, Constantine decided to build 50 churches across his empire. He wanted a Bible to go in each of his churches thus, documentation had to be gathered, vetted and created. To this end, in 325 AD Constantine convened the first Nicaean Council.

Nicaean Council 325 AD

This is where it all began. Christian apologist take the position that this council merely met to produce a clear and comprehensive statement on the tenets of the Christian faith. However, common sense proves this not to be the case. First, Nice is in what is modern day Turkey. 300 Bishops from all around the empire were called to attend. Travel at that time was an arduous proposition. Further you can tell from the agenda of the meeting that these issues had hardly been decided or accepted by all. The first item on the agenda was the Arian controversy. Arius, who was from Alexandria Egypt, taught that Jesus was the creation of God. He was God’s most perfect creation but he was not God. He was the perfect son of God.

Why is this significant? Remember where the Christos was created? That’s right, in Egypt by the Coptic priests. Arius knew and was quite familiar with the story. He knew that the Christos was a created being. The other problem this controversy exposes is, in order for their to be any dispute, the Gospel of John 10:30 could not have been in existence. That verse reads, “I and my father are one.” After uttering this, the Jews took up rocks to stone Jesus. Thus, if that gospel existed prior to the Nicaean Council and the events recorded therein are factual, there could have been no dispute regarding the true nature of Jesus. Thus, there is evidence that the Gospel of John did not exist prior to 325 AD. If it did, the members of the Council seemed unfamiliar with it.

It was at this council that Jesus officially became Christ. His deity was ratified by what has become known as the Nicaean Creed:

“We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,eternally begotten of the Father,God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.”

The important point here is the fact, anytime you have to call everyone together to hammer out a statement of position, there had to have been some dispute. Clearly by the time of the Nicaean Council, the chain of custody of the message of Jesus had long been broken. While some would argue that this was a symptom of success, the practical reality was, this council was beginning the process of creating the message of Jesus. How do we know this? Because following the canonization of the texts put together by Eusebius of Caesarea the book burning began. The newly formed church began gathering up all other manuscripts and burning them. This is why the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were sealed in clay jars and buried in caves. All other documents, some giving an entirely different take on the story of Jesus had to go.

Biblical apologist will defend this indefensible action by claiming that these other documents were heretical. That is an easy charge to make in their absence. If you murder all the witnesses, your account is all that is left. Nevertheless, some documents did escape the purge. Biblical apologist will try and point to the similarities in the canonized texts in an attempt to prove the validity of their texts, but they ignore the differences. You cannot have it both ways. It amazes me that people are so ready to place their faith and ultimately their hope for eternal salvation in the hands of men they did not know, who had agendas and beliefs of which they are unaware who were under the control, direction and guidance of a pagan emperor who was not even baptized until he was on his deathbed.

How do we know that the original texts were edited, altered and added to? One of the most glaring examples of this can be found in the Gospel of Mark. The earliest manuscripts found all end at Mark 16:8. Some of your better study Bibles have a footnote stating something to the effect that other manuscripts of Mark have a different ending. The seminal question is whom wrote verses 9 – 20? Even the earliest manuscripts were approximately 200 years after Mark would have been dead. There are other problems with the Gospel of Mark. Whom ever wrote it obviously was not familiar with the geography of Galilee. Mark 7:31 has Jesus by passing the “Sea of Galilee” on his way to the “Sea of Galilee.” This is a mistake that Mark would not have made. It would be like my saying, “I sailed down the Mississippi River and into the “Grand Canyon.” Huh??? Anyone with a smattering of North American Geography knows that the Mississippi River goes nowhere near the Grand Canyon.

Here is another problem that a true witness to the life of Jesus would not have made. Ask any “Christian” how long Jesus was in the grave and you’ll get the answer, 3 days and 3 nights. Why is this? They’re quoting from Matthew 12:40 where Jesus reportedly says, “as Jonas was in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 nights, so shall the Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the Earth.” Yet, we have Jesus crucified on “Good Friday” and resurrected on “Easter Sunday Morning.” You do the math.

Yet another problem is, IF the Gospel of John existed and was known prior to the Nicaean Councils, it would have rendered half the agenda for the first council moot. Most of the first council was taken up by a debate over the nature of Jesus. Was he God? Was he Son? Was he the Logos – Word?” What does the very first chapter of the Gospel of John declare?

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  

2 The same was in the beginning with God.  

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.  

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.  

6 ¶There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.  

7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.  

8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.  

9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.  

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.  

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.  

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:  

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.  

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.  

15 ¶John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.  

16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.  

17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.  

18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

All that would have been needed would have been for anyone one of those 300 Bishops to take the floor and read those 18 verses. End of debate. Yet, at nowhere in the records of those councils do you have any such exchange or even an exchange containing the ideas expressed within those 18 verses. Why? You have two explanations. The first is, that Gospel had yet to be forge… WRITTEN! The second is equally as disturbing, all those would be journeymen, running around with the title of Bishop – note this was before there was an actual office of a Bishop – were not even aware of the rudimentary of documents or sacred writings of their faith. Why is this so important? The Bible that you read today and call “Holy” was put together by these men.

People do things for a reason. Those reasons are more profound usually when there is money involved or political gain to be had. Constantine was a pagan Sun worshiper. The “Cross” is a pagan Sun sign. The horizontal beam represents the Sun’s transit from East to West across the sky. The vertical beam represents the Sun’s rays coming down to touch the Earth. No follower of Jesus would ever sanctify the instrument of his execution. In point of fact, the symbol used by the early followers of Jesus was that of a fish. Do you think it a coincidence that Constantine, an avowed pagan Sun worshiper would just so happen pick a pagan Sun sign – the Cross – as the new emblem for the religion he was creating? Of course not. Why is it so important that Jesus be in the grave for 3 days and nights? If he was dead for one hour and resurrected, wouldn’t that be just as significant? Would his having only spent 1 day dead and in a grave have accomplished the same thing? Yet, hammered into all “true believers” is this notion of 3 days and 3 nights. Is there another reason for this?

As it turns out, there actually is! All Sun gods have these same attributes. They all are surrounded by 12 helpers. They all give life and perform miracles. They are all enemies of the Dark. They all fall and die for 3 days and 3 nights. They all are resurrected and are seen by all in the sky. Here are some more points:

  • The sun dies for three days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops in travels southward, to be born again (resurrected) on December 25th, when it continues its progress north.
  • In various areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo and the sun would consequently be perceived as being born of a ‘virgin’.
  • The sun is of course the ‘Light of the World.’
  • The sun ‘cometh on clouds and every eye shall see him.’
  • The sun rising in the morning is the ‘Saviour of mankind.’
  • The sun wears a corona, crown of thorns or ‘circle of light’ (halo).
  • The sun is seen to ‘walk on water.’
  • The sun’s follower’s helpers (disciples) are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun has to pass.
  • The sun at 12 noon is in the house/temple of the ‘Most High,’ consequently ‘he’ begins ‘his Father’s work’ at the age of 12.
  • The sun enters each sign of the zodiac at 30°; hence, the ‘Sun of God’ begins his ministry at the age of 30.
  • The sun is hung on a cross (crucified) which represents its passing through the equinoxes, the spring/vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then reborn.

From the stories of Isis, Osiris and Horus, to Mithra, to Krishna to Jesus, all these Sun gods have similar characteristics. Consider all the effort Constantine’s mother – Helena – put into identifying and verifying the stories of Jesus. Wouldn’t it have been odd for her not to ask about various important dates? The stories of the nativity of Jesus describe shepherds in the fields watching over their flocks at night. Consider, that area of the world is in the northern hemisphere. If Jesus were actually born in December, or for that matter, anytime during the winter months, flocks wouldn’t be grazing and shepherds would not have been in the fields. So we know there was a reason why Jesus’ birth was set on December 25th although he clearly wasn’t born around that date.

With the death of Judas, the Apostles numbered 11. In the first chapter of the book of Acts, the Apostles for some reason, seemed to feel that they needed to replace Judas and return their number to 12. Why? However, more importantly, why isn’t this mentioned in any of the Gospels? Jesus had multitudes following him. Clearly by the very presence and the statements made, Matthias and Barsabas had been followers of Jesus from the beginning. Read that again. They had been followers from the beginning. So, from the written account, Jesus had more than 12 Disciples. In fact, we have no idea how many Disciples Jesus had. So why the emphasis on only 12? Why was it necessary to return the number to 12 following the departure of Judas? Was this written in by design? Someone’s design?

Enter Saul:

Paul was simply the Greek name for Saul. In keeping with the sun god theme. You have the Sun and His 12 helpers. We encode this into your 12 month calendar year. We have the 12 signs of he zodiac. We have the 12 Disciples/Apostles, plus Jesus, makes 13. With the addition of Paul to this pantheon, we’re back at 13. Now we come to the question of what you truly believe. If you truly believe that the followers of Jesus were under Satanic attack, do you believe that Satan, probably the second most intelligent being in existence simply sat on his figurative hands? Remember, when he first made his appearance in the Garden of Eden story, he was described as being an extremely subtle entity. If you wanted to utterly destroy the Jesus movement, would it be best to do it from the inside? Or would it be best to do it from the outside?

Remember that Paul was a contemporary of Jesus. IF Jesus had wanted Paul as a follower, do you think Jesus could have found him and called him to discipleship? Of course he could have. Yet he did not. Jesus gave the “Keys” to Peter. Yet, Paul is credited with writing most of your “New Testament.” Why? It is Paul who sets in place the doctrine and dogma of the Christian Church. It is Paul who clearly changes the focus and in some cases the actual message of Jesus. Consider how salvation is wrought. Here is a classic example. In Luke 18:18 a “Certain Ruler” comes to Jesus and asks him what he must do to inherit eternal life. What does Jesus tell him? Jesus tells him first to keep all the Commandments. The Ruler says he has done so from his youth. Jesus then tells him there is only one more thing he needs to do, sell all that he has, distribute it to the poor and follow Jesus. The story records that the Ruler went away sorrowful. Why? Because he was very rich.

What does Paul have to say about salvation? In Ephesians 2:8, Paul says that ye are saved by grace, through faith, not of works. If the Rich ruler had simply waited until he met Paul, he could have kept all he had and had eternal life too. Both Paul and Jesus cannot be correct if they’re saying different things. The question is, whom are you going to believe? Whom are you going to follow? How could Paul be a true Apostle and teach a message different from Jesus? Again, your answers are in plain sight if you know where to look. Since Paul was not chosen by Jesus and sort of showed up claiming to be not only a follower but an Apostle, it is instructive to examine his credentials.

What do we know about Paul? We know that his original mission was to destroy the followers of Jesus and to extinguish the Jesus movement. Surprisingly, Paul claims to have had a meeting with Jesus which converted him. Could this possibly have happened? Anything is possible. However, since we already know that Paul’s mission was to destroy, perhaps it might be prudent to examine his testimony carefully. There are three accounts of Paul’s conversion experience. Not surprisingly, none of them agree. You can read them for yourself here:

  • Acts 9:1-12
  • Acts 22:6-12
  • Acts 26:12-18

Pay careful attention to the reactions of those with him who would have been his only witnesses. In the first recounting of his conversion experience, those who were with him, all stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no man. In the second telling of his conversion experience, the witnesses, saw a light, but heard no man. In the third and final rendition of his conversion experience, the witnesses all fall down and we don’t know if they saw or heard anything. It would seem to me that if Jesus appeared to you in person, at the very least, you’d be able to tell a consistent account of the event. Of course if you were making he whole thing up, you would probably tailor your account to fit your target audience.

In point of fact, Paul has a habit of not getting his story straight. Consider the accounts of his “Great Escape.” You may recall this story from Sunday School. It seems to be a favorite. It is the account of Paul escaping capture by being let down over a wall in a basket by a rope. It could almost be out of a James Bond movie. The only thing better would have been a story of him rappelling down the wall in three controlled leaps. You can read both accounts here:

  • Acts 9:23-25
  • II Cor. 11:32-33

In the first account, we are told that the Jews took council to kill Paul. In the second account we learn that it was a civil matter. The governor wanted to arrest him. Was the story altered to fit Paul’s target audience? If so, that would be what we call a LIE. Surprisingly enough, Paul admits to lying and is not ashamed about it.

II Cor. 12:16

“But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you with guile.”

Rom. 3:7

“For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?”

As it turns out, Paul did not deceive the true followers of Jesus. Read what God says about Paul in Revelations 2:1-2.

“1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;  

2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:”

Who claimed to be the Apostle to the Ephesian Church? Paul. In point of fact, you don’t have anyone other than Paul pushing his Apostleship on people. The true Apostles didn’t need to. The followers of Jesus were quite familiar with whom they were. Only Paul runs around declaring himself to be an Apostle. In Revelations 2, God is commending the Ephesian Church for rejecting Paul. Some Bible apologist will try and claim that this passage refers to some other persons unknown who were claiming to be Apostles. The trouble is, in none of the writings left to us, do we have any mention from any writers, including Paul, specifically addressing false Apostles.

The second point is, that the Ephesian Church rejected Paul. If there is any doubt, Paul himself in his letter to Timothy complains that “all Asia has rejected him.” (II Tim. 1:15)

Coming Full Circle

When you know where to look, the evidence of what was done becomes clear. Constantine was a Pagan Sun worshiper right up until he was baptized on his death bed. On his shield were inscribed the words, “Sol Invictus” which translates to, “The Conquering Sun.” Serapis was substituted for Jesus complete with the ready made iconography. When you close your eyes and picture Jesus, you are picturing the face of Serapis a man made created god. The attributes of Serapis are those of any one of a number of Sun gods. From the date of his birth to the story of his death and resurrection.

Your most Holy Book, the Bible, was edited, altered, massaged and created to comply with and enforce this myth. The documents of the early followers of Jesus were carefully selected for their ability to be edited to conform with this myth. Those that were deemed unusable were destroyed in a massive book burning campaign. What remains today is fruit from the poisonous tree. Yet, even with all that has been done to destroy the message, you can still find it’s essence in the simple passages.

Jesus said, there were only two commandments: Love God and Love your neighbor. When Jesus left, he promised to send a Comforter in His name that would lead and guide you into all truth. He didn’t promise to send you a Bible, a Pastor or a Preacher. When the Disciples entered the empty tomb, they did not find a copy of the “King James Version of the Bible” sitting atop a neatly folded “Shroud of Turin.” God wants a personal relationship with you. Not a relationship by proxy. Jesus’ mission was not to reinvent the Levitical Priesthood. He did not come to build a church of brick and mortar. He did not come to create a system that could be co-opted by power hungry men seeking to bleed the people of their resources.  It is time to wake up, grow up and get up. Read your Bible if you must, but know that the words contained therein, are not now, nor have they ever been “The Word of God.” The “Word of God is Jesus.” He’s not in a book. He resides in hearts. If you want to hear the “Word of God,” get quiet and listen.

Oh yeah, do take those crosses from around your necks. Jesus really finds those offensive. That picture that goes with this note? That’s a bust of Serapis. It’s not Jesus. Jesus would be the SON of God, not the Sun of God.