Syria’s Consequences – The Obama Dilemma

Syria's Consequences - Obama's Dilemma Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

We do not live in a world without consequences. Syria’s consequences for using chemical weapons needs to be quick, decisive and comprehensive. Had the world responded when Hitler invaded Poland, WWII may never have happened. If we do not learn from history, we will be doomed to repeat it. Everything has consequences. It is one of the universal laws that governs the Cosmos.

Not Just America’s Responsibility

[KJV] Proverbs 16:18 
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Syria's Consequences - Super Power CertificateThe world has come to expect and rely on the United States taking a leadership role in solving International crises. In point of fact, we have encouraged, cultivated and taken pride in our status as the world’s lone “Super Power.”  The reality is, the American Empire has no clothes and the designation of “Super Power” is merely a certificate taxpayers can hang on their mental walls to help distract us from the reality that we’re paying through the nose to sustain nation States who would throw a party upon our demise.

Syria's Consequences - High Speed Rail

High Speed Rail?

Unless you have ambitions of conquest, you only need a military capable of defending your own borders from any reasonable threat. You do not need to be able to project power around the world. Because the United States has been so willing to do this – at a cost to its taxpayers – other nations have not seen the need to invest a lot of their money developing their own military/industrial complexes. Instead, many of these developed nations have spent their money on providing better healthcare to their citizens, improving their infrastructure with high speed rail and improving their educational systems.

Meanwhile, here in the land of the lone remaining “Super Power,” on a quiet night, you can hear us turning into a third world nation. Our infrastructure is collapsing. Our educational system is failing and our cities are quickly turning into sets for the casting of the next post apocalyptic movie. Put simply, we cannot afford to carry the rest of the world on the backs of the American taxpayer.

Syria’s Consequences

Thus far I have laid out what I believe to be a compelling case for us to stay out of Syria. Unfortunately, loath as I am to say it, this may be the exact wrong thing to do. World Wars occur when multiple nations are drawn into a conflict that began between two nations. In addition to bloodshed and destruction, war creates refugees. Displaced civilians fleeing the conflict. Where do these people go? They flood across the nearest borders into the surrounding nations creating a humanitarian crisis that in many cases, particularly now given the global economic state, these receiving nations are simply not financially equipped to deal with.

Syria's Consequences - Syrian Refugees

Syrian Refugees fleeing into Turkey

Refugees create economic and political crises for the nations surrounding the initial conflict. Suddenly, these nations now have a vested interest in the initial conflict and this creates a powder keg that often explodes. In addition to murdering hundreds of innocent men, women and children through the use of chemical weapons, the other result is, this act has exponentially increased the number of Syrian refugees flooding across the borders of the surrounding nations.

The Whole World Is A Stage

Guy walks into a bar spots a beautiful lady and propositions her. “Would you sleep with me for a million dollars he asks?” Without hesitation, “sure!” she says. “How about for twenty five dollars?” Indignantly, “what kind of a woman do you think I am?!?” “Well, we’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over price.”

Syria's Consequences - Kim Jong Un

“Dear Leader” of North Korea Kim Jong Un

Just like nuclear weapons, chemical weapons are weapons of mass destruction. Suppose the Assad Regime had detonated a small tactical nuke? Would it make a difference to you? Fundamentally it’s the same thing. Make no mistake about it, Iran is watching to see what happens and more importantly, North Korea is watching. Doing nothing may be the exact worst thing we can do. Why the worst thing? The world is a jungle that operates on the principle of “Survival Of The Fittest.” You are either predator or prey. If weakness is sensed, a predator can quickly become the prey.

When the United States and the rest of the world indicate that they have no stomach to enforce UN resolutions against the use of Chemical weapons, the hands of State sponsored terrorist are loosed.

Syria’s Consequences – Facing The Harsh Realities

The question is simple, but the answer is not. What do we do? The story is told that at the beginning of WWII, the German army had orders to fall back if they met even the least resistance invading Poland. Theoretically, a single 12 year old armed with a single shot .22 rifle could have stopped the entire German army by simply firing a shot in their direction.

Poland put up no initial resistance and 2.5% of the total global population or over 60 million deaths later, WWII came to an end. Dare we repeat this mistake again? If we refuse to learn the lessons of history, we certainly might.

Syria's Consequences - WWII Cemetery

WWII Cemetery

The world has changed. We are all connected in our global community. What happens in Vegas, doesn’t stay in Vegas. It can be known on the other side of the globe within seconds. Fear mongers have for some time been floating the notion of the United States going to war with China. Here’s why that won’t happen. First, China is holding a sizeable portion of the US debt. The last thing you want to do is harm the person who owes you money or from our perspective, we don’t want to blow up our bank. Second, the main export of the United States is food followed by technology. Taking out the United States would tip the world into global famine.

Of course, there are nations working on the problem of increasing their own domestic food supplies, but right now? The global community needs the United States in tact. The United States is the 3rd top oil producing nation in the world, behind Russia who is first and Saudi Arabia who is second. The bottom line is that WWIII even if no one launched a single nuclear device, would take most of the world back to the stone age. Nations not even participating in such a war would suffer from famine and economic collapse.

Syria's Consequences - Hurricane Katrina Refugees

Hurricane Katrina Refugees

The problem again is, if we do nothing our inaction may lead to the conflict spreading which would draw other nations into what might well turn into WWIII. Right now the United Nations puts the cost of the Syrian refugee crisis at about 3 billion dollars. If you live in the United States, it is easy to forget how hundreds of thousands of refugees would affect much smaller nation States. When hurricane Katrina devastated the gulf and Louisiana in particular, we had a lot of refugees. We looked like a 3rd World Nation. It took us a lot of time to sort things out. People were spending weeks in various sports stadiums and it wasn’t pretty. We were big enough and wealthy enough to absorb our displaced citizens – some were sent as far away as Alaska – but we still have not fully recovered to this date. Now imagine what it would be like for countries some of which are no larger land mass wise than some of our States.


I don’t know what we should do specifically and in particular, but I know we must do something. The longer this conflict continues, the more destabilized and dangerous the region becomes. The more dangerous the region becomes, the higher the probability it will lead to global calamity.

How A Real President Responds To Crisis

How A Real President Responds To Crisisby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Faced with how a real President responds to a national crisis, Republicans are running around with their hair on fire! One is forced to ask, are they really that unpatriotic? Or is it that their hatred for our first Black President is greater than their love for country or their concern for the welfare of their fellow American citizens?

A Tale Of Two Storms

Woman picks through the rubble of her home after Hurricane Katrina

Woman picks through the rubble of her home after Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina and it’s aftermath is still fresh in our collective psyches. For the first time in our modern technological history, a portion of our nation took on the optics of a 3rd world nation. We seemed powerless to help our fellow citizens and this impotence was hammered home day after day, night after night by our 24 hour news coverage.

Hurricane Katrina Victims

Hurricane Katrina Victims signalling for help

We watched as the people of New Orleans – those fortunate enough to make it to their roofs – stood on their roofs, some waving t-shirts, other’s spelling out the word “help” with whatever debris they could get their hands on, all begging for rescue. News helicopters unequipped to be any more than a photographer’s platform, filmed the horror with the unblinking eye of the camera… and we watched. We saw men, women and children endure what none of us could possibly imagine ever happening in the United States of America.

We pride ourselves on coming to the aid of other nations to bring relief and rescue. Suddenly it appeared that we, the worlds last remaining “Super Power,” needed aid. It was a blow to our pride, self-esteem and wounded our delusion of independent self-reliance. The notion of “American Exceptionalism,” was laid bare for the myth that it is.

Michael D. Brown

Michael D. Brown – Head of FEMA under George W. Bush

When Katrina hit, Michael D. Brown – an appointee of G.W. Bush – was the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA. This was a curious appointment because Brown had absolutely no experience in emergency management of any sort! He was a lawyer and a radio personality. The only management responsibility on his résumé was his time as commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association. Bush might as well have made him “Surgeon General.” He was just as qualified for that position.

To his credit, following the Katrina débâcle  a video tape emerged showing Michael Brown warning George Bush that Katrina “might be the big one.”

Unfortunately,  being able to perceive that the light at the end of the tunnel might be a train, doesn’t necessarily mean you know the way out of the tunnel. In short, from my perspective, Michael Brown did the best he could, he was just in over his head.

George Bush in his pick-up truck on his ranch in Crawford, TX.

George Bush in his pick-up truck on his ranch in Crawford, TX. Secret Service wouldn’t let him drive it on the streets.

George Bush had been vacationing at his ranch in Crawford, TX. On the Monday the storm hit, he was attending a ceremony in California. He did not return to Washington until Wednesday following the storm and did not visit New Orleans until that Friday. It was 5 days before he arrived on the scene of what he called “our worst natural disaster in history.” 

FEMA Trailers

Unusable FEMA Trailers – Contaminated with toxic levels of formaldehyde.

FEMA under the Bush administration had given a no bid contract to Bechtel. They were to provide trailers to be used to house victims of major disasters until they could return to their homes. The problem was these trailers had toxic levels of formaldehyde. The people who were moved into them became ill. Of course law suits were filed. Needless to say, this gave FEMA a “black-eye” in the view of the public.

To sum things up, the government’s handling of Katrina was worse than a Chinese fire drill. People died who could have been rescued. The perception that the government was ineffective and more hindrance than solution, was reinforced in the minds of many.

When Hurricane Sandy struck we all, I included, expected the government response to be similar. No, I did not think it would be anywhere near as bad as it was under the Bush administration. Cronyism and incompetence simply oozed from the pores of the Bush administration. However the differences in the responses between the Obama administration and the Bush administration have been stunning!

Craig Fugate

Craig Fugate – Head of FEMA under President Obama

The first notable difference is, when it came time to select a Head of FEMA, President Obama hired the director of Emergency Management from the State of Florida, Craig Fugate. Why? Florida is in the line of fire 6 months out of the year during Hurricane season. Florida gets hit frequently. Thus when he hired Craig Fugate, he was hiring someone with actual experience in crisis management and disaster mitigation. Yes, competence makes a difference.

In the aftermath of Sandy, in the words of Dawn Zimmer, the Mayor of Hoboken, NJ, “I put out a call for help and within 90 minutes, FEMA and the National Guard were here.”  The other difference? The day after the storm, President Obama was on the scene, viewing the damage, finding out what was needed and giving physical and emotional comfort to those who’d lost everything. George Bush? 5 days. President Obama? Next day. There is a difference.

A Real President

I’ve heard some make the claim that the President does nothing other than show up for “photo-ops.” The explicit implication – I know, borders on an oxymoron – is that the President is using a tragedy for political gain. While there is little doubt this has happened in the past, with President Obama this is clearly not the case. Sometimes it requires an “Act of God,” to cause people to realize what is truly important.

President Obama meets Governor Christie

President Obama meets with Governor Christie in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey has been an outspoken supporter of Mitt Romney and an ardent, vociferous, bombastic critic of the President. When Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey, that was his “come to Jesus” moment. Partisan politics went out the window and Governor Christie found himself in the awkward position of needing the help of the President of the United States for the people of New Jersey. When your home gets blown away, you don’t give a damn which party the person helping you belongs to. You’re just happy someone is extending you a helping hand.

President Obama Comforts Woman

President Obama Comforts Female Victim of Hurricane Sandy

Having a real President show up clearly means a lot in a time of despair. It clearly meant a lot to the people who’d lost everything. When President Obama took that woman in his arms and told her that everything was going to be alright and that our government was going to help her put her life back together, it carried the weight of a President who means what he says and says what he means.

Say what you will about President Obama, there’s one thing that is beyond dispute, whatever he says he will do, he does. He said he would defeat Al-Qaeda, he’s done that. When the question was asked in the primary debates, if he would go into Pakistan to get Bin Laden if he had actionable intelligence, he said he would and he did. He said he would pass healthcare reform, he did that. So when he tells a grieving lady that everything is going to be alright and that the government was going to be with her every step of he way, she tends to believe it and takes hope from it.

Aircraft Carrier Turning

Aircraft Carrier turning

What can a real President do? First of all, he can cut through government “red tape” like a hot knife through butter. President Obama gave instructions that he didn’t want any hold ups or impediments to government aid. He can do a lot more. This is what I believe stunned Governor Christie. When the issue came up of helicopters coming in to bring supplies and assist in search and rescue missions, the problem was where to land them. President Obama picked up the phone and ordered 3 aircraft carriers to station themselves off the coast of New York and New Jersey, to act as mobile bases for the helicopters that would be needed.


C-130 being loaded

Getting the power back on? We’re Americans. When one State is in need, all of the United States pitch in to help. States all around the nation began rolling crews, equipment and trucks toward our Atlantic seaboard. California sent crews. When President Obama heard they were driving all the way from California to New Jersey and New York, he told them to divert to an airport where he would have C-130 military transports waiting to pick them up, trucks and all.  This is what a real President can do. I’m damn glad we’ve got one.

He Delivered

He Delivered