Mind Control – When Voices Are Real

mind_control_when_voices_are_real_headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

“I’ve been told, “much learning has made me mad.” I doubt that is true, since knowledge is relative. In the ocean of knowledge, my thimble is barely damp.” _Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Mind Control – The Early Years

Back in the early 50’s there was a top secret program known as “MKUltra.” You may have heard about it because it comes up regularly in so called “conspiracy circles.” Labels are such wonderful things! We can slap them on people, concepts and ideas and suddenly we know all there is to know about whomever and whatever is under our label. It is not unlike reading the cover of a book and pretending you know its contents.

MKUltra grew out of WWII. We employed some German scientist to bring us up to speed on projects that were already well under way at the close of the war. Ostensibly, the goals of the “program” were to break down human beings, modify and control their behavior by any means necessary. These means included but were not limited to, hypnosis, chemical, biological and radioactive exposure. Many of the test subjects were unwitting Canadian and United States citizens who were given LSD and other substances without their knowledge and then photographed and video taped in secret. Many test subjects died.

Mind Control - Ted Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski – The Unabomber

The assassin of Senator Bobby Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan was said to have been an MKUltra test subject. There is compelling evidence that Ted Kaczynski – the Unabomber – participated in the MKUltra experiments when he was at Harvard University in the 60’s. “The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.”

Mind Control - Senator Frank Church

Senator Frank Church (D-ID)

The project came to light and was uncovered by the “Church Committee” in 1975. The project was promptly shut down and many documents were destroyed. Many say the project simply went deep underground, which does make sense. When you’ve invested that amount of time and money, you don’t stop because you get slapped on the wrists. Mind control technology and its perfection is something a certain group of people desperately want and in my opinion will stop at nothing to get. If you can control the minds of people without their knowledge, you in essence have the power of a god and humankind becomes your slaves.

Everything Evolves – Especially Technology

On August 7, 2013, Aaron Alexis told Rhode Island police that he was hearing voices. He further went on to say that he was experiencing microwave radiation pulses that were causing his body to vibrate. He indicated that these pulses and voices were coming through the walls, floors and ceiling of his room. As a result, he changed hotel rooms 3 times that night. A few days later he purchased the shotgun he would take to the Navy Yard.

Was he telling the truth? Is there any evidence that he might have been telling the truth? December 28, 1989 Oliver M. Lowery filed Patent No. 5159703. The abstract says it is for a “Silent Subliminal Presentation System.” Commonly known as “The Voice of God Technology,” this system can cause a person to hear voices and messages directly in their brain, bypassing their ears. You can’t stop it with earplugs or by burying your head under your pillows. The messages can be pre-recorded and played on a loop 24 hours, 7 days a week and depending upon where the signal is emanating from – satellite say – you cannot escape it. Once it is tuned to your brain waves, only you will hear the voices. People standing right next to you will hear nothing.

Mind Control - Old Skool Phone

Remember these? Wasn’t that long ago.

We know this technology is real. We know they have it. We know they’re a lot further along with it than this brief video presentation indicates. Think about cell phone technology. Back in the early 90’s, if you had a “bag phone” you had something. Then cell phones shrunk to the size of a brick with an antenna sticking out of it. Next we got the flip phones. “Beam me up Scotty!” We thought we had something then. Cell phones kept getting smaller and smarter and faster. Now we have cell phones with more computing power than all of NASA had when they sent men to the moon and brought them back. These phones slip quite nicely into a shirt pocket. They’ve got built in GPS, can take high definition videos and pictures. James Bond – Sean Connery – and Q would have turned in his bullet proof Aston Martin for one of today’s smart phones.

If cell phones have evolved in such a short time period, imagine what the technology to put voices into your head has become over roughly the same period. Get the point?

A Question Of Crazy

Yes, there are people who are actually suffering from actual chemical imbalances in the brain and who are legitimately diagnosed as being schizophrenic. The danger – this is what they’re counting on – is that anyone complaining of what seems to be symptoms associated with a commonly understood ailment will be assumed to be suffering from that ailment. Thus, what they’re doing becomes lost in the noise.

Mind Control - David Berkowitz Arrest.

Arrest of David Berkowitz – Son Of Sam Killer

So, the “Son Of Sam” says he hears “Satan’s Voice” and immediately we look at that ready made label and say, “crazy!” Aaron Alexis says he’s suddenly hearing voices and feeling what he called “microwave pulses” and thanks to that label we say, “crazy!” It’s so convenient. When you began to veer off the path and start to ask, why would he go and shoot a bunch of people who’d done nothing to him, someone will pull you back in line with a single word, “crazy!” The end result is, you will never get to the truth and perhaps the real villains will never be caught or punished. CRAZY!

Gun Control Unmasked

Gun Control Unmasked Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Gun Control Unmasked

This past week we’ve experienced yet another massacre caused by a deranged gunman. I probably don’t need to describe the event because it follows an all too familiar script. Madman gets gun. Madman goes to public building where the people are unarmed. Madman shoots as many as he is able. Madman dies before he can be examined or brought to trial.

Gun Control Unmasked - Aaron Alexis

Aaron Alexis

The case of Aaron Alexis and the Washington DC., Navy Yard shooting is still unfolding. The paucity of actual facts has not in any way inhibited intrepid reporters and pundits from filling dead air with their theories and conjectures. I am not purporting to give you the facts. From my perspective, we really don’t know the actual facts. Mr. Alexis – possibly because of his work in the computer technology field – had no Facebook or Twitter accounts. His LinkedIn page was deleted some time before the shooting. To put it mildly, the absence of the normally plowed information sources, has frustrated news reporters who have forgotten how to really research a story. That whole “burn the shoe leather” thing seems to have most of them perplexed.

What Has Been Reported Thus Far

The picture we’ve been given has all the familiar disturbing elements. Like Adam Lanza of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, we’ve been told that Aaron Alexis was being treated for PTSD he acquired when he was a volunteer, searching for survivors in the aftermath of the 911 attacks. Thus both were under some form of psychiatric care. Like Adam Lanza’s addiction to video games, we’ve been told that Aaron Alexis was addicted to violent “first person shooter” video games. Both Lanza and Alexis were found with 3 guns. In both instances, the gun which supposedly did the majority of the killing was a semi-automatic AR-15 assault style rifle.

Why Aren’t They Vilifying The AR-15 This Time?

Here is the point that is unmasking the entire “gun control” argument! You see, according to current reporting, Aaron Alexis went and legally purchased a 12 gauge shotgun. Evidently, he was following Vice President Joe Biden’s advice?

What did he do with it? He traded up! When he arrived at the Washington DC., Navy Yard, he used his shotgun to shoot the guard, then relieved him of his handgun and his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. This is a common strategy used in many “first person shooter” video games. Kill your opponent, take his weapons. At this point, properly equipped for mayhem, Alexis commenced his rampage. Because of the policy of not allowing the people working in the Navy Yard to be armed, it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Yes The NRA Is Crazy Too

Just this past week, Iowa gave a concealed carry permit to a blind man. Although I am definitely pro-second amendment and a strong advocate for gun rights… I do believe that whole “…shall not be infringed part.” Nevertheless, I tend to draw the line at people who are incapable of perceiving a “sight picture” carrying firearms. It was a golden opportunity for the NRA to express some rationality by addressing this issue in a mature and intelligent manner.

That said, unless you have training in “Special Ops” particularly, “Search and Destroy Combat Training,” had you been armed and at the Navy Yard that day, your best bet would have been to barricade yourself in as safe a place as possible and with gun in hand, wait for either the cavalry to arrive or for the shooter to come to you. Armed, at least you would have a fighting chance. It is not about being Rambo, it is about having a say in whether or not you’re a victim.

In Other News

Gun Control Unmasked - Times Square Shooting

Yes, the “walker” belongs to the victim.

This week two of “New York’s Finest” shot two innocent bystanders while shooting at an “emotionally disturbed” man who was running away from them. Why is it that Gun Control advocates who have touted the need to make ordinary citizens jump through all sorts of arbitrary training and licensing hoops, are mute about this case? Had this been some “gang bangers” doing a “drive-by” and shooting two innocent bystanders, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell would have been all over this ad nauseum. They both would have been banging their drums and ringing tambourines in their shamanistic rituals to conjure up the minor deities devoted to public disarmament. Unfortunately, they fail to realize those deities wear two hats. Their other hat identifies them as the demons of the totalitarian State.

This Is Gun Control Unmasked

The simple truth is, the ultimate objective of the “gun control” movement must be an outright banning of all firearms. Even those in the hands of our military and law enforcement officers. Guns are simply tools. Like any tool they may be misappropriated by people you never intended to have them. I close by leaving you with one of the best music videos Joe Biden was ever featured in. The musical version of his “buy a shotgun” advice. Enjoy!

RULE BY FEAR – The Fleecing Of The Gullible!

Rule By Fear - Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

If you’ve been paying attention over… THE LAST DECADE, we’ve been bombarded with one thing to fear after the other. Remember when all the computers were going to crash and send us back to the stone age? They called it “Y2K.” We bought generators, stored food, prepared for the Apocalypse. Well, at least I did. Yeah, they got me. A lot of merchants got paid though.

9/11 The Fear Of Terrorism

Rule By Fear - Saddam Statue ToppledTerrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. That was certainly an international tragedy! We lost close to 4,000 United States Citizens that day. We saw the “Twin Towers” fall and the Pentagon hit. They used our own air planes against us. Yes, we were angry, but our fear fanned the flame of that anger. Because of our fear and anger, we invaded two countries, one of which had NOTHING to do with the attacks. We’ve lost more lives fighting over there than we lost on “911.” If you count the maimed and wounded, our casualties are easily over 30,000. Yet, in that exact same year, we lost 37,862 people in fatal car accidents. Not one move was made to outlaw automobiles or restrict driving. Why?

Fear is what drives our economy. Fear is why our gasoline prices fluctuate wildly from day to day. Start a rumor about an oil spill or a slow down in production anywhere in the world, and like lemmings going over a cliff, oil speculators will drive the price of gas through the roof. Fear is both expensive and profitable.

Economic Fear

Rule By Fear - J. P. Morgan

J. P. Morgan

Fear brought on “The Great Depression.” People were afraid that their bank was going to run out of money. The rumor as started by J.P. Morgan and others to kill off some of their competition. So everybody ran to their banks and withdrew all their money, thus causing the very thing they feared, to happen.

When we go to war, large industrial corporations make billions! War is good for their businesses. All of them have full time, paid lobbyist who lobby your representatives. Whom do you think your representatives, represent? You or them?

Political Fear

With the election of our first Black President, there has been the constant drumbeat of fear. I don’t know how white people – those who haven’t gone insane – keep their sanity. “We’re becoming socialist!” Ever hear that? Next time you do, ask the person saying it to define socialism. Bet you almost anything they won’t be able to. Fire departments, police departments, ambulance services and public schools are technically socialism. We seem to have done alright down through the years with these institutions.

Race Fear

Rule By Fear - Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse?

Nit wits such as Bill O’Reilly predicted that if George Zimmerman were acquitted, this nation would erupt in race riots. I wonder how many frightened white people got their guns, ammo and hunkered down for that one? We hear terms like “Zombie Apocalypse!” We all know what that means. The Zombies are the inner city urban people – Blacks and other minorities – who are going to come to the suburbs and rural areas to kill white people and take what they’ve got. The NRA sure makes a bunch of money feeding this fear. Gun manufactures make money feeding this fear. Conservative talk radio gets listeners by feeding this fear and their advertisers make money feeding this fear. Buy gold! Buy Silver! Question, what is a gold coin worth? If you’re starving, it is just about worth a single slice of bread.

Because of fear, we allow ourselves to be subjected to invasive searches and body scans whenever we fly and we allow our children to be groped. Why? The rules were rewritten by flight 93 on September 11, 2001. You no longer need to search anyone getting on a plane. If a terrorist pulled out a sub machine gun he’d get beaten to death by the passengers before he could holler “Allah Akbar!”

Rule By Fear - Police State

Police State?

Because of fear we are watching our nation and the nations of the world, turn into “Police States.” Police departments are armed damn near as heavily as army combat units. They have their own armored personnel carriers, helicopters with FLIR and other various weapons systems. They patrol our streets in “Jackboots” with armor and full automatic weapons. Yet, we don’t seem to mind because we’ve deluded ourselves into *believing* that they’re keeping us safe… but who will keep us safe from them?

Rule By Fear

It’s all one big game. The objective is absolute control and subjugation of the population. Consider poor white people during the time of Slavery in the United States. Talk about being had! These poor fools supported the very institution that was keeping them in poverty! The mind control trigger was in convincing them that because of their skin color, they were better than the Slaves. Never mind the fact that they weren’t really living any better. Some were living worse off than the Slaves. On the plantation the Slaves were fed.

Rule By Fear - Poor White People

They should have joined forces.

Why were these white people poor? They were poor because they were out of work. Who was in a position to hire? The plantation owners of course. However, why should they hire white people whom they’d have to pay a wage, when they could make the Black Slaves do the work for free?

We had a commonality of interest that was derailed by deluding these poor white people to focus on race and skin color. If they’d been smart, they’d of been fighting to free the Slaves. Freed slaves would have meant that the plantation owners would have to hire them and pay them a wage. That money would have made it possible for them to move up the social ladder, and build a better life for them and their own children.

Nothing has changed! You can see poor white people, blinded by racism, wanting to kick all the undocumented workers out of this country under the impression that these people from south of or border are costing them jobs. Many of these people are wearing clothes that they purchased from Walmart. They’re buying groceries to put on their tables, from Walmart. The irony approaches the surreal!

Fear Of Immigrants

Rule By Fear - China-Mart

Let’s call it what it is.

Hispanic people come to this country, undocumented or not, work here, pay taxes here, buy goods and services here and for the most part, the money stays right here. They contribute to our economy. When you shop at Walmart – we really should call it by its true name, China-Mart – the people manufacturing the products you buy are in China. Many times working in slave conditions. They do not pay taxes here, nor do they support the American economy. They are the cause of American factories and plants closing and our jobs going to China. Big business gets richer and you get poorer. Don’t focus on the *real* problem. Fear people who don’t look exactly like you do. They must be the problem! Not big business. We are gullible and being ruled by a fear that has no merit, but has been fostered and fed to keep us distracted from the real problems. The reality? In the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself!” It is time to dispose of childish fears.

Original Sin – Mind Control Through Mythology

Original Sin Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

 “Before you can get someone saved, you must first get them lost.”

The entire Christian message, hinges on the doctrine of “Original Sin.” If you’ve ever been “buttonholed” by some Christian on the street engaging in what they call, “witnessing,” within the first moments of your encounter, they started out by quoting one of several passages from their Bible – Scriptures – pointing out that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Original Sin - Hell Forever And Ever

Death is too easy. You’ve got to suffer forever.

The next step in their parade, is to convince you of just how terrible and serious this is. Whether you know it or not, there’s this “all powerful being” just waiting to squash you like a bug, turn you into asbestos and then throw you into a fire that burns for all eternity… but he loves you! I admit the cognitive dissonance is a bit much, but for their program to work, it is necessary that you hold these two mutually exclusive positions in your mind.

It gets worse. Suppose you’re living a perfectly good life… even by their rather flexible standards. You’re not a liar or a cheat. You’re paying your taxes. You donate to charities. You’re volunteering perhaps mentoring youth or caring for seniors. Not to worry, they’ve got a cake baked just for you. They’ll tell you all these things don’t matter. You’re a sinner not because of anything you’ve done. You’re a sinner because of what Adam did! Say what? Yes, Adam!

Original Sin - Mayhem Was In The Garden

There’s your problem! It was Mayhem!

It all goes back to that fateful day in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve took a bite from some fruit they were not supposed to eat. Of course, you had nothing to do with that. However, God whom really, really loves you… and evidently hates you at the same time, can hardly wait to burn you for all eternity, not because of something you did, but because of something Adam is supposed to have done. Did I mention? God is also just and righteous! Don’t try and make any sense of of this because there is none. You’ll see why as we continue.

Fall Of Man Or Ascent Of Man?

Let’s suppose temporarily, for the sake of discussion that there actually was a Garden of Eden. The problem is, all of these events would have occurred thousands of years before the development of writing. Thus the story – if it occurred – would of been handed down via word of mouth generation after generation after generation. If you’ve ever played the “Telephone Game,” you know that after one or two people, the original message becomes garbled. Now multiply that by numerous generations and you get my point.

We have no way of knowing what if anything was said, to whom and by whom. We have no way of knowing what was done or not done by any of the players. Was it a fruit that was eaten or was the talking Serpent really a phallic symbol and the forbidden fruit sex? We do not know. Just because a large number of people believe something doesn’t make it true. At one time, the majority of the world’s population believed that the Earth was flat and that the Sun orbited the Earth. They were wrong.

Oft times back then, stories were told not so much to give a factual account of history, but rather to convey a principle or a moral from generation to generation. The minute details of the story were inconsequential. The important information was encoded into the story at much higher level.

Original Sin - The Ascent Of Man

The Ascent of Man?

Thus, someone enlightened hearing the story of the events in the Garden of Eden, might actually find a record of the ascension of human development. We began as gathers. Hence the Garden setting. We were naked and subsisted by picking fruit off trees and eating berries. What’s the next thing that happened after eating the forbidden fruit? We realize our nakedness and God kills animals to make skins so we can clothe our nakedness. Hence, we go from eating nuts and berries to hunting and eating meat.

Abel represents the next step. He represents our nomadic herdsman period. Just as today, in various parts of the world, people live off and follow their herds. The Laplanders survive off their reindeer herds. In Africa there are tribes that follow their herds of cattle. The problem with the nomadic lifestyle, although enjoyable, it precludes real technological progress. You cannot build cities if you have to pick up and follow your herd to the next greener pasture.

Cain was a farmer. Farming is hard work. However, through farming, harvesting and storing food, you now have the possibility to subsist in one location. You don’t have to live in tents and be ready to move at a moment’s notice. You can build long lasting structures. You can develop and build a specialized society. People can learn to work metal. People have time to develop a system of education. Thus, as Cain slew his brother Abel, so too did farming put an end to the nomadic lifestyle based on following the herd. All this information is encoded into the first few chapters of Genesis. It is not written on the lines but between the lines.

Original Sin – Mind Control Through Mythology

Original Sin - Gun On A TableThe real sin in the story of the Garden of Eden is the insulting depiction of God. I have a two year old granddaughter. If I left a cocked and loaded handgun lying on the coffee table and left the room… even if I told her not to touch it in the most unambiguous and emphatic terms possible, when she picked it up, as she surely would, whom would be responsible when the gun went off? Me or her?

In for a penny, in for a pound! Most Christians at this point will want to ascribe to Adam knowledge and abilities that are not in evidence. Had Adam ever seen anything die? Did Adam have any idea what death was? Telling Adam that he would surely die might not have meant much.

Then there’s this whole “Good and Evil” problem. Prior to eating the fruit, Adam had no concept of Good or Evil. Hence, he wouldn’t have known that God is good and equally important, he wouldn’t have known that the Serpent and what the Serpent was telling him was evil. Adam, according to the Christian theological position, was in a state of perfect innocence. If you saw a snake in a tree, you’d back off immediately. If that snake began talking to you, Bible stories notwithstanding, you’d run like Hell! Why? Because you would know it wasn’t natural. Neither Adam nor Eve possessed those innate survival instincts or inhibitions. They were like innocent two year-olds in the bodies of adults.

Original Sin - Baby And Snake

This could end poorly!

This brings us to the next point. If God knows all things and knows the “end from the beginning…” and If God is all places, then God would have to have known that the Serpent was in the playpen. What parent would put his baby in a playpen, then watch as a venomous cobra wound it’s way through the bars? Furthermore, what parent would then punish his child for getting bit? The entire story begins to fall apart… unless of course God is not all powerful and not all knowing and not omnipresent.

This brings us to yet another “sticky wicket.” What if it was all God’s plan to begin with? Possible. However, now you have God punishing mankind for going along with his plan. See the problem?

Passing Down Sin

Remember, the entirety of Christian theology depends upon everyone being born a “sinner” because of what Adam did. Of course if Christians actually would read their Bibles, they would see that this is false.

[KJV] Ezekiel 18:20
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

There you have it! This passage right here is the death knell for the Doctrine of Original Sin. You don’t inherit the sins of your father and that of course means, you cannot inherit the sin of Adam.

Original Sin - Jesus TeachingNowhere in Jesus’ recorded words in the Gospels, does he ever say or imply that his mission is to right the wrong and undo what Adam did. Nowhere! In fact the name “Adam” only appears one place in the Gospels. Luke 3:38 gives the genealogy of Jesus tracing all the way back to Adam. If Jesus’ entire mission, the reason he came to Earth was to be the ultimate sacrifice and die to fix the original sin of Adam, you’d think he might have mentioned it. That would be a pretty important point for him to overlook mentioning it. Surely he would have shared his mission, his purpose with his Disciples… at least one of them. Perhaps Peter?

The entire doctrine of “original sin” comes from Paul. Paul never met Jesus, was never taught by Jesus and quite frankly, not to put too fine a point on things… Paul was a liar and a false Apostle. If you doubt this, read Revelation 2:1-2. Then ask yourself if you know of anyone other than Paul claiming to be the Apostle to the Ephesian Church.

Mind Control

Original Sin - Mind ControlDespite what you’ve seen in science fiction movies or in the performances of Stage Hypnotists, mind control is actually a lot more subtle than what you may have been led to believe. It all begins by planting suggestions and building on those suggestions. For instance, right now your nose is itching. We are all susceptible to suggestions to varying degrees. Nose not itching? Give it a minute. It will. By telling you what I’m doing I’m letting you off the hook. This is just in fun. It doesn’t matter if your nose itches are not. The more you fight it the more annoying the itch will become. The human mind is a marvel.

Try this, next time you’re in a group, clear your throat loudly and then count how many people begin clearing their throats as well. This also works with yawns. Yawns are extremely contagious. These are simple things you can have fun testing. However, what about our core beliefs? It turns out that we are even more susceptible to manipulation when someone accesses a button we’ve already developed a preconditioned response to.

This is one of the reasons I have asked, “how can you judge someone who was raised in an Islamic, Buddhist or even a Pagan home?” We are born with a blank slate. Our parents begin writing on that slate from the moment of our birth. As children we have yet to develop the analytical skills that allow us to determine what is reality. This is when the indoctrination begins. The foundation upon which the rest of our life is built, is laid in our childhood. If you’ve been raised in the “West,” more like than not you’ve been indoctrinated to have a predisposition to believe in Christianity.

Original Sin - Jehovah's WitnessesWhat happens when someone begins pushing these buttons? You’ve already been raised to believe that the Bible is the “Word of God.” You’ve been taught not to doubt or question. If they come to you and begin quoting or referencing certain Bible passages, you’re predisposed to give what they’re saying more weight. Naked human beings who didn’t know they were naked? Talking snakes? Forbidden fruit? Under normal circumstances, you’d ask someone what they’d been smoking! However, because of the triggers planted in your youth, you’re predisposed to believe whatever is written in the Bible. If someone tells you you’re “lost,” you’re “lost!” It’s just that easy.

[KJV] Mark 2:17
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance

Here you have it! According to Jesus, not everyone is a sinner. Some people are righteous. When a proselytizer approaches you to “witness” to you. They never leave it with your accepting Jesus as your personal saviour and accepting his substitutionary death for your sins. Fellowship is the flip side of the salvation coin. Now you need to join a Church… their Church! You will quickly discover there is more to your salvation than merely accepting Jesus. There’s paying tithes – 10% of your income – and giving in the offerings. Matter of fact, if you don’t pay your tithes, you’ll discover that your salvation might not be assured. Yes, it seems heaven has its price too.

So, whom are you going to believe? The recorded words of Jesus or someone who has a financial interest in your joining their Church? The doctrine of Original Sin is Mind Control Through Mythology. Churches have become huge corporate interests who profit from your belief in their message. Everything is designed to control your mind. From the Church building, to the music to the message. It is designed to not only lead you to the altar, but to open your wallet. You need to be aware of whom is pushing your buttons and why.

DOJ Media Probe – Why We Don’t Care.

DOJ Media Probe Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

trea·son (noun)

1. Violation of allegiance toward one’s country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one’s country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

DOJ Media Probe - Koch Brothers

Charles and David Koch

It is very disheartening to realize that effectively, there is very little difference between the Koch brothers and those who own and run our media outlets. In both cases you have extremely wealthy people who have agendas and the means to pursue those agendas in a manner that excludes competing viewpoints. Yes, everyone has a voice. However, when you’ve got wealth, you have a megaphone that allows you to shout down competing positions.

DOJ Media Probe - Cable News NetworksWe recently became aware that the Department of Justice obtained the phone records of reporters working for the Associated Press. If you had asked me to speculate on the odds of Fox News, Huffington Post and MSNBC all being in agreement on an issue, I’d of put those odds right about even with Hell freezing over. Imagine my surprise when I awoke one fine day to discover that all the News channels were in complete agreement on an issue.

DOJ Media Probe - Attorney General Eric Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder

Any issue that could make Fox News and MSNBC see eye to eye, simply demanded further investigation. Even more so as more and more media outlets began to pile on. As usual – for Fox – their target was Attorney General Eric Holder. I will admit, based on the reporting it was disturbing to think that the Federal Government would acquire the confidential work product of renowned news reporters… in secret!

Having been burned a time or two, I’ve learned to look prior to leaping based on some media outlet’s say so. What I discovered was shockingly simple. Contrary to the impressions being spread, there was good reason for what was done and it was in fact a matter of National Security.

There is a distinct difference between a “whistle blower” speaking in confidence to our “free press” and someone using the press to reveal “Top Secret” information. Information, that once revealed would weaken our nation, put at risk the lives of those who work with our assets on foreign soil and ultimately put at risk the lives of Americans right here at home.

DOJ Media Probe

DOJ Media Probe - Underwear Bomber

Underwear Bomber

Most of you will recall the “Underwear Bomber.” What most do not realize is how close he came to succeeding. Unlike the “Shoe Bomber” who paused to say his prayers first, allowing enough time for a vigilant Stewardess to “Cold Cock” him before he could put a match to the fuse of the bomb hidden in his shoes, the “Underwear Bomber” was successful in setting off his device. Fortunately for everyone on that plane, rather than detonate as planned, it simply burst into flame, burning severely some rather sensitive portions of his anatomy.

DOJ Media Probe - Anwar Al-AwlakiThe people we’re at war with, are not stupid. They analyse what went wrong, and seek to improve their devices for their next attempts. It turns out, we were fortunate enough to capture and get our hands on one of their new and improved devices. It was whisked to our labs over here for examination and analysis. The “intel” from that device would have given us a lot of information. How their bomb making techniques have improved. What chemicals they’re currently employing. How they’re triggering the new device and most importantly, whether or not our current security protocols and technology would be able to catch these new devices.

"DOJ Media Probe - FBI Crime Lab

FBI Crime Lab

That information is only good so long as “They” don’t know we’re on to them. Nobody with the clearances to even know we had one of their devices, nobody with the clearances to analyze their device, should be spilling the beans to ANYBODY, let alone a reporter(s) working for an international news agency.

When the DOJ read the AP article in March of 2012 outlining the operation, stating that our CIA had seized the device and that it was being examined and analysed by the FBI, as you might imagine, there was an immediate investigation launched behind the scenes. This was information that had to of come from an inside source.

DOJ Media Probe - Espionage

We’re talking about espionage.

When people make honest mistakes, they do not seek to cover their tracks. Clearly whomever leaked the information was not an amateur nor was his or her leaking of the information accidental. If it had been, they would have discovered the person responsible and dealt with them. The “DOJ Media Probe” is mute testimony to the serious nature of this situation. They had to approach it from the media end and work backwards. Now they’ve got a double headed situation. If they’d walked through the front door of the Associated Press and made their request. The reporter may have tipped off his or her source that they were on to him. This may have provided time for the destruction of evidence and possible escape. They needed to know whom was in contact with the Associated Press. Someone who would also have had access to, or the security clearance high enough to have access to sensitive information at that level.

Yes, the DOJ Media Probe truly is a matter of national security. This has nothing to do with “Whistle Blowers” or weakening the First Amendment protections of our “Free Press.” This truly is a matter of National Security. It is important to note, the DOJ actually showed an amazing amount of restraint. They could have easily seized AP offices around the country, put everyone out, padlocked the doors and then combed through all of their files at their leisure. Instead, they did not even record the contents of the conversations of the AP reporters, they simply made a log of whom they were talking to.

Media Reaction

This entire scenario has given us a wonderful insight into what is wrong with our “for profit” News outlets. At one time they taught in journalism classes, the goal of any news report is to answer four questions:

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. When?
  4. Where?

A Journalist adds one more question, “Why?” No opinions, just the facts as you know them to be. The Newspapers did add Opinionated Editorials which we abbreviate as “Op-Eds.” These were entertaining and provided food for thought, but we understood these were the opinions of the writer and not necessarily based in fact. We weighed them as such and there was no attempt to pawn these off as “News.” They even had their own section in the Newspapers.

DOJ Media Probe - Andy Rooney

The late, great Andy Rooney

Today we have opinion masquerading as news! Andy Rooney’s segment at the end of “60 Minutes” was an Op-Ed. He made no bones about it. Everyone understood that Andy was not reporting on the News. FOX News, MSNBC and CNN have more “Op-Ed” shows than they do actual News shows. When it comes to actual News, I’d give the edge to CNN. The other networks are basically all opinion unless there is an actual breaking story unfolding. Even then, most often they fill empty air with “talking heads” who proffer their opinions about what is unfolding. It’s all entertainment.

Proof There Is Really Little Difference Between The Networks

The DOJ Media Probe has certainly provided proof that there is really no difference between the major Cable News outlets and many of the Printed and Electronic Media outlets. If any of them had gone back to the fundamentals of News Reporting and Journalism, the whole DOJ Media Probe wouldn’t have been much more than a 5 minute piece. Who? What? When? Where? Why?

The true story had nothing to do with the DOJ Media Probe. The true story was whether or not one of their own was complicit in treason? Isn’t it interesting that they all seem to be ignoring this angle of the story? It is this very uniformity in their approach that gives cause for pause and raises one’s suspicions. When News Agencies who have a track record of disagreeing on almost every issue they focus on, suddenly line up and fall in step? That’s not just unusual, that’s like waking up tomorrow to discover that the Sun is now rising in the West and setting in the East. You might want to seriously examine, what happened over night while you were sleeping.

Mind Control And Media Manipulation

DOJ Media Probe - Mind ControlMost people never stop to realize that one of the most powerful tools of mind control and manipulation is the News Media! You turn on your television each evening and you’re not only being told what is important, but what you should think about it. The world is a big place. History is being made around the globe everyday. There simply is not enough time to cover everything. Thus, someone has to go through, pick, choose and aggregate what should or should not be covered. This is where the mischief begins.

No problem! We all agree this is necessary. However, have you ever wondered whom decides what is presented? What criteria do they use? Take the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting for instance. Absolutely tragic. The liberal media – MSNBC in particular – have used this tragedy as an excuse to run anti-gun pieces night after night after night. Almost each show on MSNBC devotes some portion of its time to beating the drum for gun control. It’s no longer news. Anybody who was interested or not, now knows everything that happened surrounding the shooting. Well, the official story at least.

DOJ Media Probe - Mind Control RepetitionHow many children died? Around 20? Presumably, it is out of concern for the children that MSNBC, night after night, like a broken record on a record player you cannot unplug, gives all it’s viewers their daily overdose of anti-gun medicine. Clearly they’re no longer reporting the news. They’re not even engaging in legitimate “opinionated editorials.” What they’re endeavouring to do is manipulate society and cause it to move in the direction that they have chosen. Incessant repetition is one of the main tools of brain washing.

Why do I call this, “attempted societal manipulation?” If MSNBC or for that matter, any of the Cable News Outlets were really concerned about children, they’d be discussing the nearly 20,000 children that die every single day because of starvation or treatable disease. Every day, 1,000 times more children die than were murdered in Sandy Hook Elementary school. Yet, not a peep from the liberal media. By way of analogy, it’s like someone on the Titanic complaining about a leaky faucet in their Stateroom.

Either you care about children or you do not. MSNBC’s hypocrisy knows no bounds or, what they’re actually doing is using their platform to advance an agenda. In this, they’re no different than the Koch brothers or other monied interests on the “Right” who use their wealth to buy elections and purchase politicians. The end objective is exactly the same. Subvert democracy and shape society to their liking. Perhaps it is because the nearly 20,000 children who are dying are not white? Maybe it’s because they weren’t shot with a semi-automatic rifle? Maybe somehow they’re less dead because they weren’t shot?

Why We Don’t Care About The DOJ Media Probe

I am happy to report that as of today, the American people have not completely succumbed to the mind control methods being employed against them. Based on the polling, we get it! The American people know that one of the primary functions of government is to provide for the safety and welfare of the American Citizens. When a News Agency begins to publish top secret information that could ultimately cause the deaths of innocent American Citizens, we not only expect our government agencies to take action, we demand that they do.

DOJ Media Probe - Associated PressIf anything, the Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder, may have shown too much restraint. By giving a “heads up” to the terrorist, the Associated Press may have caused the bomb makers to refine their methods and technologies such that their next attempts will meet with success. The blood of all the innocent victims of the next attacks, will be laid at the doors of the Associated Press.

Gun Control – Is It The Solution? (Part III)

Gun Control Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Gun Control Versus Mind Control

If you have not read part 1 and part 2, you may want to do so to get up to speed. In part 2, I showed how the conscious mind acts as a firewall for the subconscious mind. I also showed how easily it may be hacked, thus leaving one’s subconscious mind vulnerable to suggestion. The subconscious mind does not discriminate unless it is told to. It acts as a super computer that processes any and everything.

Chocolate CakeFor instance, when you’re in your dream state dreaming about eating a piece of chocolate cake, as far as your subconscious mind is concerned, it is really happening. The same parts of your brain light up in the exact same way as if you were awake and eating a real piece of chocolate cake. This begs the question: what is reality? As far as your subconscious mind is concerned, the definition of reality becomes murky, rather quickly.

Another Way To Hack The Firewall

We’ve already addressed hypnotic techniques which are used all the time. Remember, hypnotic induction is merely distracting the conscious mind by getting it to focus on the distraction while the real message is implanted directly into the subconscious mind.

Ever notice that car commercials and other advertisements directed at men, always prominently display an extremely attractive female. She really has little if anything to do with the product being sold. She is the distraction. “Focus on her while we talk to your subconscious mind.” No you didn’t fall into a trance, but you don’t have to. A couple of weeks, a month maybe, if you’re thinking about purchasing a car or something they were selling, you won’t remember the commercial, you won’t remember the female however, their product will pop into your mind. Advertising agencies know this and that is why billions of dollars are paid for advertising campaigns.

There is even something much more sinister you need to be aware of. Subliminal messages buried in commercials, movies, video games and television shows.

Subliminal Messages

To the uninitiated, this will seem strange and unbelievable. Yet, you can find them most everywhere. What follows is a brief video clip showing you a few examples of where and how these messages are placed.

Consider, everything in a Disney movie is animated. This means that the people doing the animation have complete control over the finished product. Every shadow, every sparkle every dot of light from a twinkling star, it’s all by design. I selected one of numerous examples using Disney. If you’re interested in what all is out there, Google and YouTube are your friends.

The Subconscious Mind Uses Symbolism

The conscious mind deals in the literal and specific. Put another way, it reads what’s on the line. The subconscious mind deals in the symbolic. It reads what’s between the lines. Often, much more is contained between the lines than what is contained on them. Quite often, the subconscious mind is noticing things and receiving messages that the conscious mind is blissfully unaware of.

Shameless Product Placement

Notice what the judges are drinking? Notice that each container is turned so the viewer can read the brand and logo?

Have you ever noticed the subliminal technique of advertising used in television and movies called product placement?” Once you begin to look for it, you’ll never watch a movie or television show in quite the same way again. One of the television shows I watch from time to time is “NCIS-LA.” If you’ve watched it, have you ever noticed that the only cars used by the characters are Chrysler products? Dodge Chargers, Challengers etc. Whenever an actor takes a sip from a beverage, they always show what product he/she is drinking.

Apple Product Placement

I wonder what brand computer he’s using?

If a computer is used, the brand will be prominently displayed. At one time, you got the impression that the only laptops out there were Apple products. Now I’m seeing HPs and Dells. If a product can be worked into the script, be it coffee, Oreo cookies, Coke, Pepsi, you name it, the cup, can, bottle, box will always be turned in such a way that you will get a clear view of the brand name. This is a form of subliminal advertising. You don’t notice it. It is not a part of the plot. Yet when you go to the grocery store or Best Buy, you find yourself purchasing these products.

Your conscious mind was focused totally on the action, the plot, the drama. Just like hypnotic induction, your subconscious mind was defenceless, the firewall was down and they poured their message directly into your mental mainframe to be processed and stored until the next time you went shopping.

Mind Control

Mention mind control and several things begin to happen. Most people’s eye’s begin to cross, they mentally place you in the “conspiracy theorist” box which is right next to the “crazy person” box. The irony is, they’ve been conditioned to do this and don’t know it.

The Bourne Supremacy

The series is all about mind control and describes the “fracturing” technique.

It would be safe to say, billions of tax payer’s dollars have been poured into the development of mind control. They’ve been working on it and improving the technology and capabilities since WWII. The “Bourne Identity Series” is all about mind control technology. The method they allude to – fracturing – does in fact work. They create a split personality by putting a person under so much stress, in order to escape, their psyche splits. This split personality can then be programmed and called forth on demand. The base personality is often unaware of the existence of this other personality. The following brief video will give you an overview of what “mind control” is and what it can do. Remember this is old technology.

Imagine what they can do and are doing today. This is real. This is documented. This is going on today. The question is, are you able to rise above your comfort level and consider the facts being presented to you? People are often more comfortable embracing ignorance. Remember the saying, “what you don’t know can’t hurt you?” Well, that is a lie! Ignorance can be fatal. 

There are numerous patents on file at the United States Patent Office for mind control devices. I don’t know if you’re familiar with getting a patent, but it is not a trivial matter. It is not inexpensive. A lot of money in research, development, proof of concept, prototype development are all a part of the process. People invent and file patents because they hope to make millions. What you should be concerned about is whom they’re hoping to sell their products to and how it will be used.

Gun Control – Mind Control And Sandy Hook

Evolution Of An Agenda Meme

“If You Tell The Truth, You Don’t Have To Remember Anything.” __Mark Twain

When you examine the tragedy of the massacre of the innocent children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, there are some disturbing facts. If you will recall in Part II, I discussed Motive, Opportunity and Capability. These three things must be present before a crime can be committed.

The Sandy Hook shooting seems to be devoid of a concrete motive. Some are theorizing that Adam Lanza’s mother was considering having him committed, but since neither she nor he is alive to verify this theory, we should be cautious about accepting it. Opportunity and capability seem to be present. However, Adam Lanza had not up until this point, ever exhibited any signs of violence or a violent disposition.

Do people “snap?” Yes they do. However, there is usually something that triggers this. The crime appears to have been thought out and planned. There are several things that I find disturbing and I suggest you should ponder them as well.

  1. Evolution of key facts of the story.
  2. The destruction of Adam Lanza’s computer hard drive.

I have worked my share of homicide cases. I have testified in court. I can tell you from experience, the first thing an Officer coming upon the scene of that terrible tragedy, even before searching for survivors, the very first thing the Officers would do would be to secure any firearms present. Why? Because at that point, they did not know how many shooters there were and if a potential shooter was still on the premises. The last thing they would want would be for another gunman or potential gunman to step from some concealed position, pick up and use those guns to shoot Police Officers.

Thus the firearms, their type and their location would be of primary importance. They may get facts wrong, facts may evolve as more complete information becomes available, but the guns involved and their locations, that is concrete evidence and that wouldn’t change.

“The gunman drove to the school in his mother’s car, the second official said. Three guns were found — a Glock and a Sig Sauer, both pistols, inside the school, and a .223-caliber rifle in the back of a car.”  (Associated Press writers Jim Fitzgerald and Pat Eaton-Robb in Newtown, Samantha Henry in Newark, N.J., Pete Yost in Washington and Michael Melia in Hartford contributed to this report)

This was what was reported the very first day of the shooting and all through the day. Notice anything different? Today, the story is, the “Bushmaster” AR-15 was used in the shooting. How did it get from the car and into the classroom after the shooter had committed suicide?” This is a fact that should not evolve and a fact the Police would not get wrong. So who changed the story and why?

The other thing I find extremely disturbing is the destruction of Adam Lanza’s computer hard drive. If you’re going to commit suicide, what do you care what anyone finds on your computer hard drive?

“Before going on a murderous rampage last week, Adam Lanza reportedly took a dramatic step to erase his digital history: He removed the hard drive from his computer and smashed it with either a hammer or screwdriver.”

Smashed Hard Drive

What was on the hard drive that a man going to commit suicide did not want recovered?

Notice, he did not shoot up his computer. He or someone else took apart his computer case, unscrewed the hard drive from it’s mounting bracket, removed it and then went about smashing and destroying it. The questions we need to be asking are:

  1. Whom actually destroyed that hard drive?
  2. What was on that hard drive that was so important that a man going to his death, didn’t want anyone to recover?

If you want to know the truth of what happened and why, this is where we should be focusing our search. We must look behind the curtain. What we’ve seen in the media has been a production. It has been like a theater play put on for this nation.

More To Come – Concluded In Part 4

In our conclusion I will lay out the unthinkable and point to not only a possible motive for the shootings, but define whom had the capability to make this tragedy occur.


Gun Control – Is It The Solution? (Part II)

Gun Control Headerby Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.

Part II

In the first part I endeavoured to give the reader an understanding of how firearms actually function and expose the lack of logic in the notion that the appearance of a firearm some how makes it more or less lethal. It is not whether or not a gun looks aggressive, the gun isn’t what you have to worry about. It’s those pesky bullets! Ironically, they all look pretty similar.

I also tried to give a broad overview of the laws governing firearms that already exist. It is intellectually disingenuous to pretend that the solution to gun violence is the enacting of more and more laws. If the ones we currently have are either not being effectively enforced or are being broken, I suspect that further laws will prove equally ineffective. It is not my position that there is no solution to this problem. Actually? I believe there is a solution, but we’ll never find it so long as we continue to focus our search in the wrong direction. Let’s take a journey together into an area few dare to venture.

Basic criminology 101, crimes are solved when you find the person or persons with:

  • Motive
  • Opportunity
  • Capability

If any one of these three components are lacking, you need to keep looking. Remember them because we’ll be returning to them a bit later.

A Series Of Unfortunate Coincidences

Evil Incarnate

The Virginia Tech, Aurora CO. and Portland Mall Shooters. There is something similar in their eyes.

Are you aware that almost every perpetrator of a mass shooting was under some level of psychiatric care? Most were being treated with some form of psychoactive drug therapy. Coincidence? Perhaps. Almost every mass shooter – those over the past decade – have given indication of their level of mental agitation either on their web page, a chat forum they frequented or on one of the several social networking services. A person or persons monitoring this level of agitation could probably predict when they were going to snap.

If you filter out the gang related shootings and the shootings where someone was having problems say on a job or some other readily identifiable cause that may have pushed them over the edge, and focus only on those shootings that apparently are random and without cause, the ones where there is no identifiable relationship between the shooter and the victims, an interesting phenomenon begins to emerge. What you notice is that you’ll have a shooting somewhere out west, followed by one somewhere in the east and then one in either the north or south.

Zodiac Band

The first calendar and time clock. The stars told them when to plant and harvest

It is almost like “clock work.” North, East, West and South. NEWS. Now the question must be asked, is this entirely due to coincidence? One of the critical factors to our successful survival has been our ability to detect patterns and use them to predict future events. Our understanding of the 4 seasons for instance. We began studying the sky to mark their passage. It is important to know when to plant and when to harvest. We needed to know when to prepare for winter. Our understanding of time and seasons began with pattern recognition.

Is it buying into a conspiracy to begin to look for and notice patterns in these shootings? I don’t think so. When one seeks the truth, one must be prepared to look everywhere and consider everything. What we’re talking about is looking for causality behind these acts of violence. Remember, a conspiracy is merely two or more people working together to bring about some event. Everything of substance that has ever happened on this planet has been the result of a conspiracy.

How might something like these shootings be caused? How would you trigger someone to perform these senseless acts?


One of the most misunderstood phenomenon is that of hypnotism. Let me give you a brief tutorial on how hypnotism works. We’ve all seen and laughed at the shows put on by “stage hypnotist.” In our minds we’ve wonder if the supposedly hypnotised subjects at times were not faking it. Here is how hypnotism works. You have a mind that is constantly processing information on a variety of levels, even when you’re asleep. In layman’s terms we refer to our conscious and subconscious minds. Of the two, the subconscious is the more powerful.

If you think of the human mind as being like a computer, your conscious mind acts as a firewall. Your subconscious mind is where the real processing power resides. The hypnotist, hacks your firewall and directly accesses your subconscious mind. How is this done? In a word, focus. When your conscious mind is totally focused on something, all it’s resources are directed at whatever it is focused on. This means that you can circumvent it to access the subconscious mind of your subject without meeting resistance.

A Hypnotist's bauble

A Hypnotist’s bauble

This is why you see them using a swinging pocket watch or some other bauble. The hypnotist tells you to watch – focus – on the swinging pocket watch. While your conscious mind is doing that, they’re talking in your ear telling you you’re getting sleepy. Telling you to relax. Now if I told you, that you were getting sleepy, – unless you actually were – your conscious mind would activate it’s defensive protocols and probably say, “no I’m not.” However, if I can tie up your conscious mind focusing on a bauble or some problem or the beat and rhythm in a song, I can speak directly into your subconscious mind without what I’m saying being filtered by the firewall of your conscious mind.

How long does this process take? Actually? It can happen in an instant! What if I told you it is possible to walk into a jewellery store and purchase a $4,000 diamond ring using blank white sheets of paper as money? Watch the following clip from Derren Brown’s “Mind Control” series. If you pay careful attention, you will see how it’s done.

Did you notice the method? He did it three times. The second time it was ineffective, but the 1st time in the fishmonger’s shop and the 3rd time in the jewellery store, it worked like a charm. Why did it work? Did you pay attention to the “patter?” He engaged his subject in seemingly meaningless conversation. It was a story. One story was about taking the subway. He was expressing his anxiety about never having taken a subway in New York, and relating what a friend had told him about the subway. Just as he handed the man the blank sheets of white paper, he relates that his friend told him to “take it, it’s fine.”  

The entire point of the story was to distract and focus the mind of his subject on his story. When he handed them the blank sheets of paper and says, “take it, it’s fine,” two things are taking place. The conscious mind is focused on the story and receiving the money thus closing the sell. The subconscious mind is wide open. It accepts “take it, it’s fine” and sets the conscious mind at ease. All is well. This is fine. You were expecting to be handed paper in exchange for your product and we were just told that everything is fine.

Now, why didn’t this work on the street vendor? Here is my theory. The street vendor has to spread his consciousness to take into account a great many things at once. He has to watch out for traffic. He has to constantly monitor and identify all the sounds around him. He is exposed, so he has to be vigilant and aware of those around him. The end result? He dedicated a much smaller portion of his conscious awareness to the inane patter of Derren Brown. He couldn’t care less about someone telling him to “take it, it’s fine.” Thus, when handed the blank sheets of paper, he saw them for what they were.

If Derren Brown can perform this effect – and many more – impromptu on the street, what might someone(s) with near unlimited resources perform with all the time in the world? What could they achieve with people who were already under the influence of psychotropic drugs?

Gun Control Versus Mind Control

Truck Up A Tree

Then the tree jumped out and hit me!

If we’re truly looking for why these shootings continue to happen, and not merely being herded into someone else’s agenda, we cannot just point at an inanimate tool – that is all a firearm is – and blame it for all the ills of gun violence in our society. That is not unlike coming upon the scene of a fatal car accident where a car has crashed headlong into a tree and remarking, “damn! if only that tree hadn’t been there or someone should have cut down that tree.” Might the accident have had anything to do with the fact that the driver was drunk and doing 80 mph on a winding road at night?

Sensory Overload

Times Square New York – We are bombarded by stimulus 24 hours a day.

We are surrounded by stimulus 24 hours a day. Have you ever had the power go off in your home? Perhaps due to an electrical storm or an ice storm? What’s the first thing you notice? The silence right? We live our lives virtually surrounded by a 60Hz background hum. We don’t even notice it’s presence… until it’s gone. We watch television and listen to our radios all day long. You probably couldn’t tell me right now what the last commercial you saw or heard was. Yet, billions of dollars are spent bringing you these commercials. Why? Because they work!

These are the commercials you see and notice. However, what about something a bit more sinister? What about subliminal messages? Messages – just like hypnosis – that are designed to pass by the firewall of your conscious mind and enter directly into your subconscious mind?

More to come – Continued in Part 3

In part 3 we will go deeper into the dark reality that most of us are blissfully unaware of. If you believe that you are in control of your mind, you need to understand that a war is raging all around you for the control of your freewill. Remember, the perfect slave is the one who believes himself to be free.